Neofuscelia verrucella (Essl.) Essl.
Parmelia verrucella Esslinger, J. Hattori bot. Lab. 42: 154 (1977).
Thallus appressed to somewhat pulvinate, moderately to loosely adnate, 1.5-6 cm diam. saxicolous or terricolous. Lobes 0.5-2.5 mm broad, ± flat, short and rounded to elongate, contiguous to imbricate or entangled. Upper surface yellowish-brown to dark olive-brown or red-brown, smooth throughout or weakly pitted and wrinkled in part, dull throughout or shining at apices, occasionally lightly pruinose at apices, sparsely to densely isidiate. Isidia cylindrical, simple or branched, 0.1 mm tall. Lower surface black, ± smooth and dull, moderately to sparsely rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 0.4 mm long. Apothecia uncommon, sessile to short-pedicellate, concave to plane, to 2 mm diam., margins entire to papillate or sparsely isidiate. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid 8-9 × 5-6 µm. Pycnidia rare. Chemistry: Cortex K-, HNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K-, C-, KC- or faint rose, Pd-. Divaricatic acid.
N: Three Kings Is, Rangitoto I. S: Otago (Alexandra, Port Chalmers). Coastal and inland on rock.