Hymenophyllum armstrongii (Baker) Kirk
A. Trichomanes armstrongii Baker Cat. Ferns . . . 1868.
H. cheesemanii Baker ex Hook. et Baker Synopsis Fil. ed. 2, 1873, 464.
Trichomanes armstrongii Baker ex Hook. et Baker loc. cit., 465.
H. melanocheilos Col. in T.N.Z.I. 17, 1885, 255.
Microtrichomanes armstrongii (Baker) Cop. loc. cit. 73, 1940, 457.
Craspedophyllum armstrongii (Baker) Cop. Gen. Fil. 1947, 33.
Rhizome filiform, ± clad in brownish hairs; stipites distant to close-set. Stipes filiform, us. with scattered hairs when young, 2-15 mm. long. Rhachis narrowly winged, when developed. Lamina 5-25 mm. long, linear, simple or 3-5-fid, dark green; margins toothed, not to distinctly partly or completely thickened. Sori few, slightly immersed. Indusium oblong to suborbicular, dark brown, 2-valved nearly to base, valves entire to obscurely toothed, margins thickened. Receptacle not exserted.
DIST.: N., S., St. Lowland to montane forests, epiphytic or rupestral, from lat. 35º southwards. Endemic.
There is no clear line separating H. armstrongii sens. strict. , with margins completely thickened, and H. cheesemanii, with margins not thickened. Cheeseman (Man. N.Z. Fl. 1925, 13) remarks: "Usually, however, epiphytic specimens want the nerve, and rupestral ones possess it." Cheeseman however (T.N.Z.I. 8, 1876, 331) after giving a description of H. cheesemanii Baker, remarked: "Trichomanes armstrongii, from the Canterbury Alps, has precisely the same habit, and but for the thickened margins of the frond, could hardly be distinguished in the barren state. It has, however, the true sori of a Trichomanes, and when seen in fructification, it is impossible to confound the two plants." The type specimens of H. melanocheilos (W, "Woods, Whangaroa, R. W. Rowson") show lamina margins partly to completely thickened: indusial valves entire, strongly thickened; receptacle not exserted. The group needs fresh study.