Icmadophila Trevis.
Thallus crustose. Photobiont green, Coccomyxa. Apothecia lecanorine, sessile, flesh-coloured. Ascospores colourless, fusiform, 1-3-septate, 8 per ascus.
Icmadophila is included in the family Baeomycetaceae and contains two species, only one of which is at all widely distributed. The genus was formerly thought to be restricted to temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere but was recently discovered in New Zealand by J.K. Bartlett. Typification of Icmadophila is discussed by Imshaug [ J. Hattori bot. Lab. 35: 299-302 (1972)], and ontogeny by Jahns [ Nova Hedwigia 20: 1-177 (1970)]. One species is known from New Zealand.