Melanotheca connivens (Stirt.) Zahlbr.
Trypethelium connivens Stirton, Rep. Trans. Glasgow Soc. Field Nat. 1: 22 (1873).
Melanotheca ornata Müll. Arg., Bull. Herb. Boissier 2, App. 1: 97 (1894).
Lectotype: New Zealand. Wellington. J. Buchanan, BM!
Thallus yellowish-brown to greenish-brown, continuous, smooth, shining, in irregular patches. Pseudothecia in irregular, black stromata, swollen and ± hemispherical to flat, 1-6 mm diam., smooth, shining, carbonaceous, emergent, often covered with a thin veil of cortex, ostioles minute, orange-red. Ascospores colourless at first, becoming brown-black.
N: Known only from the type collection.