Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Chimonobambusa Makino

Chimonobambusa Makino, 1914

by W.R. Sykes

Type species: C. marmorea (Mitford) Makino

Small to medium-sized bamboos of rather diffuse habit, with rhizomes monopodial and running freely. Culm-internodes grooved or flattened, at least on one side; nodes very swollen, lower nodes often with rootlet thorns. Culm-sheaths ± persistent; sheath-blades very small. Branches 3 at each node, subequal; smaller secondary branches often present. Inflorescence diffuse. Spikelets many-flowered, sessile. Stamens 3. Stigmas 2.

Nearly 20 spp. in eastern Asia, Indochina, westwards to India. Naturalised sp. 1.

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