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Parent: O. macrophylla Hook. Ic. Pl. 1843, tt. 545, 546.

Var. drucei L. B. Moore var. nov.

Length of lf-lamina us. < 2 × width, us. broadest near ± truncate or rounded, rarely cuneate or cordate, base; upper surface definitely though sparsely hairy all over; petiole us. hairy all over as is peduncle. Calyx-lobes rarely > 7 mm. long.

DIST.: N. Mt. Hikurangi and Raukumara Range to Ruahine and Tararua Ranges. Forest margins or streamsides, us. above 1,000 m. altitude.
FT. 12-3. FL. 11-2.

Type locality: Hell's Gate, Tararua Range. Type: BD 79412, A. P. Druce, 5/12/1951.

Named for A. P. Druce who recognized this as a distinct var. in the field and collected it widely.