(Together with some earlier titles not listed in Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4)
1803-1824 Lambert, A. B. A description of the genus Pinus, illustrated with figures, directions relative to the cultivation, and remarkes on the uses of the several species... London, J. White.
2 vols. Vol. 1, authored by Lambert, Vol. 2, authored by D. Don. Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb. described.
1803-1824 Lambert, A. B. A description of the genus Pinus, with directions relative to the cultivation, and remarkes on the uses of the several species: also descriptions of many other new species of the family of Coniferae. Illustrated with figures. London, Weddell.
2 vols. Referred to as the "third edition". Podocarpus totara G.Benn. ex D.Don in Lamb. described.
1915 Domin, K. Beiträge zur Flora und Pflanzengeographie Australiens. Biblioth. Bot. 85: 1-551.
Includes spp. common to N.Z. and Australia.
1928 The genus Festuca in New Zealand. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. 48: 57-77.
1954 de Wet, J. M. J. Stomatal size as a cytological criterion in Danthonia. Cytologia 19: 176-181.
Includes (as Danthonia spp.) 7 N.Z. taxa now in Chionochloa or Rytidosperma: R. nigricans (as D. semiannularis), R. australe, C. bromoides, C. conspicua subsp. cunninghamii (as D. cunninghamii), C. crassiuscula, C. oreophila, C. ovata.
1956 Connor, H. E. Interspecific hybrids in New Zealand Agropyron. Evolution 10: 415-420.
1960 Connor, H. E. Breeding systems in New Zealand grasses. III. Festuceae, Aveneae and Agrostideae. N.Z. J. Agric. Res. 3: 728-733.
1961 Connor, H. E. A tall-tussock grassland community in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Sci. 4: 825-835.
Includes nomenclatural note on use of some names in Danthonia.
1963 Tateoka, T. Notes on some grasses. XIII. Relationship between Oryzeae and Ehrharteae, with special reference to leaf anatomy and histology. Bot. Gaz. 124: 264-270.
Includes N.Z. spp. of Microlaena.
1965 Mark, A. F. Flowering, seeding, and seedling establishment of narrow-leaved snow-tussock, Chionochloa rigida. N.Z. J. Bot. 3: 180-193.
Mark, A. F. Effects of management practices on narrow-leaved snow tussock Chionochloa rigida. N.Z. J. Bot. 3: 300-319.
Discussed mast years in Chionochloa.
1966 Connor, H. E. Breeding systems in New Zealand grasses. VII. Periodic flowering of snow tussock, Chionochloa rigida. N.Z. J. Bot. 4: 392-397.
1968 Mark, A. F. Factors controlling irregular flowering in four alpine species of Chionochloa. Proc. N.Z. Ecol. Soc. 15: 55-60.
1969 Fineran, B. A. The flora of the Snares Islands, New Zealand. T.R.S.N.Z. (Bot.) 3: 237-270.
Mark, A. F. Ecology of snow tussocks in the mountains of New Zealand. Vegetatio 18: 289-306.
Discusses reproduction and mast years in Chionochloa.
1970 Connor, H. E., Bailey, R. W. and K. F. O'Connor. Chemical composition of New Zealand tall-tussocks (Chionochloa). N.Z. J. Agric. Res. 13: 534-554.
Scott, D. Relative growth rates under controlled temperatures of some New Zealand indigenous and introduced grasses. N.Z. J. Bot. 8: 76-81.
Recognised a high altitude ecotype of Festuca novae-zelandiae.
1972 Bailey, R. W. and H. E. Connor. Structural polysaccharides in leaf blades and sheaths in the arundinoid grass Chionochloa. N.Z. J. Bot. 10: 533-544.
Connor, H. E. and R. W. Bailey. Leaf strength in four species of Chionochloa (Arundineae). N.Z. J. Bot. 10: 515-532.
1975 White, E. G. An investigation and survey of insect damage affecting Chionochloa seed production in some alpine tussock grasslands. N.Z. J. Agric. Res. 18: 163-178.
1977 Buurman, J. Contribution to the pollen morphology of the Bignoniaceae with special reference to the tricolpate type. Pollen Spores 19: 447-519.
Includes Tecomanthe speciosa.
Godley, E. J. and D. H. Smith. Kowhais and their flowering. Ann. J. Roy. N.Z. Inst. Hort. 5: 24-31.
Williams, P. A., Mugambi, S. and K. F. O'Connor. Shoot properties of nine species of Chionochloa Zotov (Gramineae). N.Z. J. Bot. 15: 761-765.
1978 Payton, I. J. and D. J. Brasch. Growth and non-structural carbohydrate reserves in Chionochloa rigida and C. macra, and their short-term response to fire. N.Z. J. Bot. 16: 435-460.
Townrow, J. E. S. The genus Stipa L. in Tasmania. Part 3 - Revised taxonomy. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania 112: 227-287.
Lectotypified Stipa stipoides, indigenous to N.Z. and Australia; now Austrostipa stipoides.
Williams, P. A. et al. Macro-elements within shoots of tall-tussocks (Chionochloa), and soil properties on Mt Kaiparoro, Wairarapa, New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 16: 255-260.
Williams, P. A. et al. Macro-element composition of tall-tussocks (Chionochloa) in the South Island, New Zealand and their relationship with soil chemical properties. N.Z. J. Bot. 16: 479-498.
1979 Lieu, S. M. Organogenesis in Triglochin striata. Canad. J. Bot. 57: 1418-1438.
Payton, I. J. and A. F. Mark. Long-term effects of burning on growth, flowering, and carbohydrate reserves in narrow-leaved snow tussock (Chionochloa rigida). N.Z. J. Bot. 17: 43-54.
1980 Primack, R. B. Variation in the phenology of natural populations of montane shrubs in New Zealand. J. Ecol. 68: 849-862.
1982 Fosberg, F. R. A preliminary conspectus of the genus Leptostigma (Rubiaceae). Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 33: 73-83.
Makes new combination Leptostigma setulosum (Hook.f.) Fosberg for Nertera setulosa Hook.f.
Fosberg, F. R. and M. H. Sachet. Micronesian Poaceae: critical and distributional notes. Micronesica 18: 45-102.
Includes Oplismenus.
Veldkamp, J. F. Agrostis (Gramineae) in Malesia and Taiwan. Blumea 28: 199-228.
Comments on N.Z. varieties in Deyeuxia forsteri and D. filiformis.
1984 Pauptit, R. A. et al. The structure of 19aH-lupeol methyl ether from Chionochloa bromoides. Aust. J. Chem. 37: 1341-1347.
Schoen, D. J. and D. G. Lloyd. The selection of cleistogamy and heteromorphic diaspores. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 23: 303-322.
1985 Knowles, B. and C. Ecroyd. Species of Cortaderia (pampas grasses and toetoe) in New Zealand. Forest Res. Inst. Bull. 105: 1-24.
1986 Clayton, W. D. and S. A. Renvoize. Genera Graminum; Grasses of the World. London, H.M.S.O.
Payton, I. J. et al. Nutrient concentrations in narrow-leaved snow tussock (Chionochloa rigida) after spring burning. N.Z. J. Bot. 24: 529-537.
Vickery, J. W., Jacobs, S. W. L. and J. Everett. Taxonomic studies in Stipa (Poaceae) in Australia. Telopea 3: 1-132.
1987 Barkworth, M. E. and J. Everett. Evolution in the Stipeae: identification and relationships of its monophyletic taxa. In Soderstrom, T. R. et al. (Eds) Grass Systematics and Evolution. Washington, D. C., Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 251-264.
Breuer, B. et al. Fatty acids of some Cornaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Hamamelidaceae and Styracaceae. Phytochem. 26: 1441-1445.
Includes Corokia macrocarpa and Griselinia littoralis.
Collet, C. and M. Westerman. Interspecies comparison of the highly-repeated DNA of Australasian Luzula (Juncaceae). Genetica 74: 95-103.
Conert, H. J. Current concepts in the systematics of the Arundinoideae. In Soderstrom, T. R. et al. (Eds) Grass Systematics and Evolution. Washington, D. C., Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 239-250.
Connor, H. E. Reproductive biology in the grasses. In Soderstrom, T. R. et al. (Eds) Grass Systematics and Evolution. Washington, D. C., Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 107-132.
Connor, H. E. and E. Edgar. Name changes in the indigenous New Zealand flora, 1960-1986 and Nomina Nova IV, 1983-1986. N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 115-170.
Cook, C. D. K. and M. S. Nicholls. A monographic study of the genus Sparganium (Sparganiaceae). Part 2. Subgenus Sparganium. Bot. Helvet. 97: 1-35.
Includes S. subglobosum.
1987 Cristofolini, G. Serological relationships among Sophoreae, Thermopsideae and Genisteae (Fabaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 94: 421-432.
Dawson, M. I. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 29, Myrtaceae. N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 367-369.
Druce, A. P., Williams, P. A. and J. C. Heine. Vegetation and flora of Tertiary calcareous rocks in the mountains of Western Nelson, New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 41-78.
Edgar, E. and H. E. Connor. Varietal grass names and combinations published by Hackel in Cheeseman's Manual of the New Zealand Flora, 1906. N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 455-457.
Eichler, Hj. Nomenclatural and bibliographical survey of Hydrocotyle L. (Apiaceae), 1. Feddes Repert. 98: 1-51. 2. Feddes Repert. 98: 145-196. 3. Feddes Repert. 98: 273-351.
Endress, P. K. The Chloranthaceae: reproductive structures and phylogenetic position. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 109: 153-226.
Includes Ascarina lucida.
Foo, L. Y. Phenylpropanoid derivatives of catechin, apicatechin and phylloflavan from Phyllocladus trichomanoides. Phytochem. 26: 2825-2830.
Friis, I., Immelman, K. and C. M. Wilmot-Dear. New taxa and combinations in Old World Urticaceae. Nord. J. Bot. 7: 125-126.
Makes new combination Australina pusilla subsp. muelleri (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear based on A. muelleri from Victoria.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. What is Leonohebe? Hebe Newsletter 4: 19-22.
George, A. S. (Ed.) Flora of Australia. 45, Hydatellaceae to Liliaceae. Canberra, AGPS.
A very few spp. are common to N.Z. and Australia.
Grey-Wilson, C. Plant portraits: 82, Clematis marmoraria. Kew Mag. 4: 116-119.
Haase, P. Ecological studies on Hoheria glabrata (Malvaceae) at Arthur's Pass, South Island, New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 401-409.
Contains much phenological information.
Heads, M. New names in New Zealand Scrophulariaceae. Bot. Soc. Otago Newsletter 5: 4-11.
Jones, D. L. and M. A. Clements. Reinstatement of the genus Cyrtostylis R. Br. and its relationship with Acianthus R. Br. (Orchidaceae). Orchadian 2: 156-160.
Larsen, P. O. et al. Relationship between subfamilies, tribes, and genera in Iridaceae inferred from chemical characters. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 15: 575-579.
Includes Libertia grandiflora.
Lloyd, D. G. and C. J. Webb. The reinstatement of Leptinella at generic rank, and the status of the 'Cotuleae' (Asteraceae, Anthemideae). N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 99-105.
Lorimer, S. D. and R. T. Weavers. Foliage sesquiterpenes and diterpenes of Podocarpus spicatus. Phytochem. 26: 3207-3215.
1987 Moore, L. B. Pomaderris revisited. Tane 31: 139-143.
Ng, K. M. et al. The biochemical systematics of Tetradium, Euodia and Melicope and their significance in the Rutaceae. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 15: 587-593.
Includes M. simplex and M. ternata.
Nicora, E. G. and Z. E. Rúgolo de Agrasar. Los Generos de Gramineas de America Austral. Buenos Aires, Editorial Hemisferio Sur S. A.
Nyananyo, B. L. and V. H. Heywood. A new combination in Lyallia (Portulacaceae). Taxon 36: 640-641.
Lyallia and Hectorella are placed in the one genus Lyallia. Makes the new combination Lyallia caespitosa (Hook.f.) Nyananyo et Heywood based on Hectorella caespitosa Hook.f.
Ogle, C. A rarely seen native grass, Amphibromus fluitans. Wellington Bot. Soc. Bull. 43: 29-32.
Orchard, A. E. A revision of the Coprosma pumila (Rubiaceae) complex in Australia, New Zealand and the subantarctic islands. Brunonia 9: 119-138.
Patel, R. N. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand. 16, Lauraceae. N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 477-488.
Philipp, M. Reproductive biology of Geranium sessiliflorum. 2, The genetics and morph frequencies of the leaf colour polymorphism. N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 309-313.
Philipson, W. R. Corynocarpus J. R. & G. Forst. - an isolated genus. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 95: 9-18.
Philipson, W. R. The treatment of isolated genera. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 95: 19-25.
Several examples from the N.Z. flora.
Philipson, W. R. A classification of the Monimiaceae. Nord. J. Bot. 7: 25-29.
Quinn, C. J. The Phyllocladaceae Keng - a critique. Taxon 36: 559-565.
Rama, T. V., Rao, P. N. and R. S. Rao. Somatic chromosome morphology in the genus Iphigenia. Cytologia 52: 434-444.
2n = 22 in Indian spp. in contrast to 2n = 20 for Iphigenia novae-zelandiae.
Rodriguez, R. and C. Marticorena. Las especies del genero Luzuriaga R. et P. Gayana, Bot. 44: 3-15.
Sampson, F. B. Stamen venation in the Winteraceae. Blumea 32: 79-89.
Selvaraj, R. Karyomorphological studies in south Indian Rubiaceae. Cytologia 52: 343-356.
Includes Coprosma baueri and C. lucida.
Sykes, W. R. The parapara, Pisonia brunoniana (Nyctaginaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 459-466.
Wardle, P. Dracophyllum (Epacridaceae) in the Chatham and subantarctic islands of New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 107-114.
Webb, C. J. and E. J. Beuzenberg. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. Corrections and additions to number 21, Umbelliferae (Hydrocotyle). N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 371-372.
1987 Webb, C. J. and J. Littleton. Flower longevity and protandry in two species of Gentiana (Gentianaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74: 51-57.
Studied G. saxosa and G. serotina.
Webby, R. F., Markham, K. R. and B. P. J. Molloy. The characterization of New Zealand Podocarpus hybrids using flavonoid markers. N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 355-366.
Webster, R. D. The Australian Paniceae (Poaceae). Berlin and Stuttgart, J. Cramer.
Includes species also indigenous to New Zealand.
1988 Adsersen, A., Adsersen, H. and L. Brimer. Cyanogenic constituents in plants from the Galápagos Islands. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 16: 65-77.
Includes Ipomoea pes-caprae.
Anderson, Ø. M. Proportions of individual anthocyanins in the genus Metrosideros. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 16: 535-539.
Arroyo, S. C. and B. E. Leuenberger. Leaf morphology and taxonomic history of Luzuriaga (Philesiaceae). Willdenowia 17: 159-172.
Bevalot, F. et al. Coumarins from three Phebalium species. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 16: 631-633.
Mentions P. nudum.
Burns-Balagh, P. and P. Bernhardt. Floral evolution and phylogeny in the tribe Thelymitreae (Orchidaceae: Neottioideae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 159: 19-47.
Chalk, D. Hebes and Parahebes. Christchurch, Caxton Press.
Clarkson, B. D. A natural intergeneric hybrid, Celmisia gracilenta ¥ Olearia arborescens (Compositae) from Mt Tarawera, New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 325-331.
Conner, L. N. and A. J. Conner. Seed biology of Chordospartium stevensonii. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 473-475.
Connor, H. E. Breeding systems in New Zealand grasses. 10, Species at risk for conservation. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 163-167.
Craig, J. L. and A. M. Stewart. Reproductive biology of Phormium tenax: a honeyeater-pollinated species. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 453-463.
Doyle, M. F. and R. Scogin. A comparative phytochemical profile of the Gunneraceae. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 493-496.
Druce, A. P. and W. R. Sykes. A new species of Crassula L. in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 477-478.
Dubcovsky, J. and A. Martinez. Phenetic relationships in the Festuca spp. from Patagonia. Canad. J. Bot. 66: 468-478.
Includes F. contracta.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. and P. N. Johnson. Iti lacustris (Brassicaceae), a new genus and species from southern New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 603-610.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. and B. Jonsell. Rorippa divaricata (Brassicaceae), a new combination. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 479-480.
Hind, D. J. N. and C. Jeffrey. Brachycome Cass. corr. Cass. and Lagenophora Cass. corr. Cass. are correct. Kew Bull. 43: 329-331.
1988 McEwen, W. M. Cone and seed phenology in several New Zealand conifer tree species. Tuatara 30: 66-76.
McKone, M. J. and C. J. Webb. A difference in pollen size between the male and hermaphrodite flowers of two species of Apiaceae. Aust. J. Bot. 36: 331-337.
Lignocarpa diversifolia of northern South Id, N.Z. and Gingidia harveyana of south-eastern Australia were studied.
Nelson, E. C. Holotype of Olearia semidentata Decne. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 464-466.
Norton, D. A. Recent changes in the names of New Zealand tree and shrub species. Roy. N.Z. Inst. Hort. Ann. J. 15: 33-35.
Nyananyo, B. L. Leaf anatomical studies in the Portulacaceae (Centrospermae) with regards to photosynthetic pathways. Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 23: 99-101.
Includes Hectorella and Lyallia.
Nyananyo, B. L. The systematic significance of seed morphology and anatomy in the Portulacaceae (Centrospermae). Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 23: 275-279.
Includes Lyallia.
Patel, R. N. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand. 17, Tiliaceae. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 337-343.
Philipson, W. R. Seedling and shoot morphology of the New Zealand species of Nothofagus (Fagaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 401-407.
Philipson, W. R. and M. N. Philipson. A classification of the genus Nothofagus (Fabaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 98: 27-36.
Rendle, H. and B. G. Murray. Breeding systems and pollen tube behaviour in compatible and incompatible crosses in New Zealand species of Ranunculus L. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 467-471.
Rogers, G. Parentless Pittosporum turneri. Bull. Wellington Bot. Soc. 44: 26-36.
Rudall, P. J. and H. P. Linder. Megagametophyte and nucellus in Restionaceae and Flagellariaceae. Amer. J. Bot. 75: 1777-1786.
Includes Empodisma minus and Sporodanthus traversii.
Saleh, N. A. M. et al. The chemosystematics of local members of the subtribe Gnaphaliinae (Compositae). Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 16: 615-617.
Includes Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum.
Savill, M. G., Bickerstaffe, R. and H. E. Connor. Interspecific variation in epicuticular waxes of Chionochloa. Phytochem. 27: 3499-3507.
Seberg, O. Taxonomy, phylogeny, and biogeography of the genus Oreobolus R.Br. (Cyperaceae), with comments on the biogeography of the South Pacific continents. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 96: 119-195.
Seberg, O. Leaf anatomy of Oreobolus R.Br. and Schoenoides Seberg (Cyperaceae). Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 110: 187-214.
Short, P. S. Two new species of Brachyscome Cass. (Compositae: Astereae), with a note on the orthography of the generic name. Muelleria 6: 389-398.
1988 Smith, A. C. Flora Vitiensis Nova: A New Flora of Fiji (Spermatophytes only). 4. Lawai, Hawaii, National Tropical Botanical Garden.
Sorsa, P. Pollen morphology of Potamogeton and Groenlandia (Potamogetonaceae) and its taxonomic significance. Ann. Bot. Fennici 25: 179-199.
Includes P. cheesemanii, P. ochreatus and P. pectinatus.
Sykes, M. T. and J. B. Wilson. An experimental investigation into the response of some New Zealand sand dune species to salt spray. Ann. Bot. 62: 159-166.
Sykes, W. R. Kermadec ngaio (Myoporum, Myoporaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 595-601.
Sykes, W. R. A new species of Senecio from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 611-613.
Sykes, W. R. Notes on New Zealand Plantago species. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 321-323.
Describes P. obconica W.Sykes and makes new combinations P. triandra subsp. masonae and P. spathulata subsp. picta.
Vink, W. Taxonomy in Winteraceae. Taxon 37: 691-698.
Webb, C. J. Notes on the Senecio lautus complex in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 481-484.
Describes new sp. S. marotiri C.Webb and makes new combination S. carnosulus (Kirk) C.Webb.
Webb, C. J. Gnaphalium laterale, a new species for New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 26: 485-487.
Webb, C. J., Sykes, W. R. and P. J. Garnock-Jones. Flora of New Zealand. 4. Christchurch, Botany Division, DSIR.
Weberling, F. The architecture of inflorescences in the Myrtales. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: 226-310.
Includes N.Z. spp. of Epilobium and Metrosideros.
Wiegleb, G. Notes on pondweeds - outlines for a monographical treatment of the genus Potamogeton L. Feddes Repert. 99: 249-266.
Wilson, K. L. Polygonum sensu latu (Polygonaceae) in Australia. Telopea 3: 177-182.
Makes new combination in Persicaria for Polygonum decipiens.
1989 Adolphi, K., Seybold, S. and L. A. S. Johnson. (952) Proposal to conserve 8878 Brachycome Cass. (Asteraceae). Taxon 38: 511-513.
Anderberg, A. A. Phylogeny and reclassification of the tribe Inuleae (Asteraceae). Canad. J. Bot. 67: 2277-2296.
Bannister, P. Nitrogen concentration and mimicry in some New Zealand mistletoes. Oecologica 79: 128-132.
Browning, J. Studies in Cyperaceae in southern Africa. 14, A reappraisal of Scirpus nodosus and S. dioecus. S. Afr. J. Bot. 55: 422-432.
Connor, H. E. and D. Charlesworth. Genetics of male-sterility in gynodioecious Cortaderia (Gramineae). Heredity 63: 373-382.
Craig, J. L. A differential response to self pollination: seed size in Phormium. N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 583-586.
Dahlgren, G. An updated angiosperm classification. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 100: 197-203.
1989 Dawson, M. I. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 30, Miscellaneous species. N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 163-165.
Delph, L. F. and C. M. Liverly. The evolution of floral color change: pollinator attraction versus physiological constraints in Fuchsia excorticata. Evolution 43: 1252-1262.
Dickison, W. C. Stem and leaf anatomy of the Alseuosmiaceae. Aliso 12: 567-578.
Druce, A. P. Coprosma waima (Rubiaceae) - a new species from northern New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 119-128.
Endress, P. K. and L. D. Hufford. The diversity of stamen structures and dehiscence patterns among Magnoliidae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 100: 45-85.
Includes Pseudowintera.
Fountain, D. W., Holdsworth, J. M. and H. A. Outred. The dispersal unit of Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (A.Rich.) de Laubenfels (Podocarpaceae) and the significance of the fleshy receptacle. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 99: 197-207.
Gadek, P. A., Bruhl, J. J. and C. J. Quinn. Exine structure in the 'Cotuleae' (Anthemideae, Asteraceae). Grana 28: 163-178.
Includes N.Z. spp.
George, A. S. (Ed.) Flora of Australia. 3, Hamamelidales to Casuarinales. Canberra, AGPS.
Includes Parietaria debilis and Australina pusilla.
Godley, E. J. The flora of Antipodes Island. N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 531-563.
Jacobs, S. W. L. et al. Stipoid grasses in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 569-582.
Johnson, P. N. and P. A. Brooke. Wetland Plants in New Zealand. Wellington, DSIR Publishing.
Jones, D. L. and M. A. Clements. Reinterpretation of the genus Genoplesium R. Br. (Orchidaceae: Prasophyllinae). Lindleyana 4: 139-145.
Makes new combinations G. nudum and G. pumilum.
Lee, W. G. and M. Fenner. Mineral nutrient allocation in seeds and shoots of twelve Chionochloa species in relation to soil fertility. J. Ecol. 77: 704-716.
Macmillan, B. H. Acaena juvenca and Acaena emittens (Rosaceae) - two new species from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 109-117.
Markham, K. R. et al. Support from flavonoid glycoside distribution for the division of Dacrydium sensu lato. N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 1-11.
Martinez, S. El genero Azorella (Apiaceae-Hydrocotyloideae) en la Argentina. Darwiniana 29: 139-178.
Includes Azorella selago.
Mathew, P. M. and B. Vijayavalli. Cytology of species of Cordyline and Dracaena from south India. Cytologia 54: 573-579.
Includes chromosome count of Cordyline indivisa.
Murray, B. G., Braggins, J. E. and P. D. Newman. Intraspecific polyploidy in Hebe diosmifolia (Cunn.) Cockayne et Allan (Scrophulariaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 587-589.
1989 Ogle, C. Sebaea ovata (Gentianaceae) and its habitat near Wanganui. Bull. Wellington Bot. Soc. 45: 92-99.
Orchard, A. E. Azorella Lamarck (Apiaceae) on Heard and Macquarie Islands, with description of a new species, A. macquariensis. Muelleria 7: 15-20.
Patel, R. N. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand. 18, Elaeocarpaceae. N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 325-335.
Philipson, W. R. Semihypogeal germination in two New Zealand genera: Dysoxylum and Syzygium. N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 311-312.
Rendle, H. and B. G. Murray. Chromosome relationships and breeding barriers in New Zealand species of Ranunculus. N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 437-448.
Short, P. S., Wilson, K. E. and J. Nailon. Notes on the fruit anatomy of Australian members of the Inuleae (Compositae). Muelleria 7: 57-79.
Makes some comparisons with N.Z. spp.
Spence, J. R. and W. R. Sykes. Are Plantago novae-zelandiae L. Moore and P. lanigera Hook. f. (Plantaginaceae) different? N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 499-502.
Stanley, T. D. and E. M. Ross. Flora of south-eastern Queensland. Vol. 3. Brisbane, Queensland Department of Primary Industries.
Includes species also indigenous to New Zealand.
Taylor, P. The genus Utricularia - a taxonomic monograph. Kew Bull. Addit. Ser. 14: 1-724.
Thompson, J. A revision of the genus Leptospermum (Myrtaceae). Telopea 3: 301-448.
Tomlinson, P. B., Takaso, T. and J. A. Rattenbury. Cone and ovule ontogeny in Phyllocladus (Podocarpaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 99: 209-221.
Tomlinson, P. B., Takaso, T. and J. A. Rattenbury. Developmental shoot morphology in Phyllocladus (Podocarpaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 99: 223-248.
Vincent, P. L. D. and F. M. Getliffe Norris. An SEM study of the external pollen morphology in Senecio and some related genera in the subtribe Senecioninae (Asteraceae: Senecioneae). S. Afr. J. Bot. 55: 304-309.
Webb, C. J. Senecio esleri (Asteraceae), a new fireweed. N.Z. J. Bot. 27: 565-567.
Wells, P. M. and R. S. Hill. Leaf morphology of the imbricate-leaved Podocarpaceae. Aust. Syst. Bot. 2: 369-386.
Wilson, C. M. and D. R. Given. Threatened Plants of New Zealand. Wellington, DSIR Publishing.
Wilson, K. L. Proposal to conserve 468 Scirpus L. (Cyperaceae) with S. sylvaticus L. as type. Taxon 38: 316-320.
Ziman, S. N. and C. S. Keener. A geographical analysis of the family Ranunculaceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 76: 1012-1049.
1990 Allen, R. B. and K. H. Platt. Annual seedfall variation in Nothofagus solandri (Fagaceae), Canterbury, New Zealand. Oikos 57: 199-206.
Ball, P. W. Some aspects of the phytogeography of Carex. Canad. J. Bot. 68: 1462-1472.
Includes Carex pyrenaica.
Bernard, F. A., Bernard, J. M. and P. Denny. Flower structure, anatomy and life history of Wolffia australiana (Benth.) den Hartog & van der Plas. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 117: 18-26.
Bruhl, J. J. and C. J. Quinn. Cypsela anatomy in the 'Cotuleae'. (Asteraceae-Anthemideae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 102: 37-59.
Includes some N.Z. spp. of Leptinella.
Carolin, R. Nomenclatural notes, new taxa and the systematic arrangement in the genus Scaevola (Goodeniaceae) including synonyms. Telopea 3: 477-515.
Connor, H. E. Breeding systems in New Zealand grasses. 11, Gynodioecism in Chionochloa bromoides. N.Z. J. Bot. 28: 59-65.
Crisci, J. V. and P. E. Berry. A phylogenetic reevaluation of the old world species of Fuchsia (Onagraceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 77: 517-522.
Delph, L. F. Sex-differential resource allocation patterns in the subdioecious shrub Hebe subalpina. Ecology 71: 1342-1351.
Delph, L. F. The evolution of gender dimorphism in New Zealand Hebe (Scrophulariaceae) species. Evol. Trends Pl. 4: 85-97.
Delph, L. F. Sex-ratio variation in the gynodioecious shrub Hebe strictissima (Scrophulariaceae). Evolution 44: 134-142.
Feuer, S. Pollen aperture evolution among the subfamilies Persoonioideae, Sphalmioideae and Carnarvonioideae (Proteaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 77: 783-794.
Includes Toronia toru.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. Typification of Ranunculus names in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 28: 115-123.
Garnock-Jones, P. J., Briggs, B. G. and F. Ehrendorfer. (989) Proposal to conserve 7599a Parahebe W.Oliver against Derwentia Raf. (Scrophulariaceae). Taxon 39: 536-537.
George, A. S. (Ed.) Flora of Australia. 18, Podostemaceae to Combretaceae. Canberra, AGPS.
Includes new combination Kelleria laxa (Cheeseman) M.Heads (Thymelaeaceae).
Gill, L. S. and H. G. K. Nyawuame. Phylogenetic and systematic value of stomata in Bicarpellatae (Bentham et Hooker sensu stricto). Feddes Repert. 101: 453-498.
Includes Ipomoea pes-caprae.
Green, P. S. Notes relating to the floras of Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands, III. Kew Bull. 45: 235-255.
Regards N.Z. Planchonella novozelandica as taxonomically identical with Pouteria costata (Endl.) Baehni of Norfolk Id.
Harden, G. J. (Ed.) Flora of New South Wales. 1. Kensington, NSW Univ. Press.
1990 Hayman, A. R. and R. T. Weavers. Terpenes of foliage oils from Halocarpus bidwillii. Phytochem. 29: 3157-3162.
Heads, M. J. A revision of the genera Kelleria and Drapetes (Thymelaeaceae). Aust. Syst. Bot. 3: 595-652.
Hilu, K. W. and A. Esen. Prolamins in systematics of Poaceae subfam. Arundinoideae. Pl. Syst. Evol. 173: 57-70.
Includes Rytidosperma penicillatum and R. unarede (as Danthonia).
Jacobs, S. W. L. Notes on Australian grasses (Poaceae). Telopea 3: 601-603.
Discusses Austrofestuca.
Kravtsova, T. I. The carpological characteristics of members of the genus Parietaria (Urticaceae): the secondary covers and evolutionary trends in fruit development. Bot. Zhurn. 75: 1497-1508.
Mentions Parietaria debilis.
Lee, W. G., Hodgkinson, I. J. and P. N. Johnson. A test for ultraviolet reflectance from fleshy fruits of New Zealand plant species. N.Z. J. Bot. 28: 21-24.
Les, D. H. and D. J. Sheridan. Biochemical heterophylly and flavonoid evolution in North American Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 77: 453-465.
Includes Potamogeton pectinatus.
Maze, K. M. and R. D. B. Whalley. Sex ratios and related characteristics in Spinifex sericeus (Poaceae). Aust. J. Bot. 38: 153-160.
McKone, M. J. Characteristics of pollen production in a population of New Zealand snow-tussock grass (Chionochloa pallens Zotov). New Phytol. 116: 555-562.
Middleton, D. J. and C. C. Wilcock. A critical examination of the status of Pernettya Gaud. as a genus distinct from Gaultheria L. Edinb. J. Bot. 47: 291-301.
New combinations in Gaultheria for spp. formerly placed in Pernettya.
Middleton, D. J. and C. C. Wilcock. Chromosome counts in the genus Gaultheria and related genera. Edinb. J. Bot. 47: 303-313.
Includes Gaultheria antipoda.
Molloy, B. P. J. and E. D. Hatch. Thelymitra tholiformis (Orchidaceae) - a new species endemic to New Zealand, with notes on associated taxa. N.Z. J. Bot. 28: 105-114.
Nyananyo, B. L. Tribal and generic relationships in the Portulacaceae (Centrospermae). Feddes Repert. 101: 237-241.
Discusses Lyallia and Hectorella.
Patel, R. N. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand. 19, Gesneriaceae. N.Z. J. Bot. 28: 85-94.
Patel, R. N. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand. 20, Cunoniaceae. N.Z. J. Bot. 28: 347-355.
Paton, A. A global taxonomic investigation of Scutellaria (Labiatae). Kew. Bull. 45: 399-450.
1990 Paton, A. The phytogeography of Scutellaria L. Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 46: 345-359.
Comments on Scutellaria novae-zelandiae.
Philipson, W. R. and B. P. J. Molloy. Seedling, shoot, and adult morphology of New Zealand conifers. The genera Dacrycarpus, Podocarpus, Dacrydium and Prumnopitys. N.Z. J. Bot. 28: 73-84.
Robson, N. K. B. Studies in the genus Hypericum L. (Guttiferae) 8. Sections 29. Brathys (part 2) and 30. Trigynobrathys. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. ser. 20: 1-151.
Includes H. gramineum and H. japonicum.
Sattler, R. and R. Rutishauser. Structural and dynamic descriptions of the development of Utricularia foliosa and U. australis. Canad. J. Bot. 68: 1989-2003.
Shanmukha Rao, S. R. Leaf architecture in relation to taxonomy: Ipomoea L. Feddes Repert. 101: 611-616.
Includes I. pes-caprae.
Simon, B. K. A Key to Australian Grasses. Brisbane, Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries.
Sonck, C. E. A new Taraxacum species, T. castellanum, from New Zealand. Ann. Bot. Fennici 27: 277-279.
St George, I. and D. McCrae (Eds). The New Zealand Orchids: Natural History and Cultivation. Dunedin, N.Z. Native Orchid Group.
Webb, C. J. Gentiana lilliputiana (Gentianaceae), a new, minute, annual from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 28: 1-3.
Webb, C. J. New Zealand species of Hydrocotyle (Apiaceae) naturalised in Britain and Ireland. Watsonia 18: 93-95.
Webb, C. J., Johnson, P. N. and W. R. Sykes. Flowering Plants of New Zealand. Christchurch, DSIR Botany.
Wheeler, D. J. B., Jacobs, S. W. L. and B. E. Norton. Grasses of New South Wales. Ed. 2. Armidale, University of New England.
Wiegleb, G. The importance of stem anatomical characters for the systematics of the genus Potamogeton L. Flora 184: 197-208.
1991 Anderberg, A. A. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the tribe Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae). Op. Bot. 104: 1-195.
Recognises Euchiton as distinct from Gnaphalium and makes new combinations for N.Z. spp.; makes new combinations in Ozothamnus for N.Z. spp. of Helichrysum.
Barker, W. R. A taxonomic revision of Mazus Lour. (Scrophulariaceae) in Australia. In Banks, M. R. et al. (Eds) Aspects of Tasmanian Botany - a Tribute to Winifred Curtis. Hobart, Roy. Soc. Tasmania. pp. 85-94.
Recognises 2 spp. for N.Z.: M. novaezeelandiae W.R.Barker and M. radicans (Hook.f.) Cheeseman.
Bittrich, V. and M. do Carma E. Amaral. Proanthocyanidins in the testa of Centrospermous seeds. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 19: 319-321.
Includes Tetragonia tetragonioides.
1991 Bremer, B. and R. K. Jansen. Comparative restriction site mapping of chloroplast DNA implies new phylogenetic relationships within Rubiaceae. Amer. J. Bot. 78: 198-213.
Includes Coprosma pumila.
Brown, M. J. A synopsis of the genus Plantago L. in Tasmania. In Banks, M. R. et al. (Eds) Aspects of Tasmanian botany - a tribute to Winifred Curtis. Hobart, Roy. Soc. Tasmania. pp. 65-74.
Includes Plantago triantha.
Bruhl, J. J. Comparative development of some taxonomically critical floral/inflorescence features in Cyperaceae. Aust. J. Bot. 39: 119-127.
Eleocharis acuta, Schoenoplectus validus and Lepidosperma laterale were among spp. examined.
Bruhl, J. J. and C. J. Quinn. Floral morphology and a reassessment of affinities in the 'Cotuleae' (Asteraceae). Aust. Syst. Bot. 4: 637-654.
Chapman, A. D. Australian Plant Name Index. Canberra, AGPS.
Clements, M. A., Jones, D. L. and P. B. J. Molloy. Recently named Australian orchid taxa: 2. Thelymitra. Lindleyana 6: 59-60.
Connor, H. E. Chionochloa Zotov (Gramineae) in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 29: 219-282.
Cooper, R. C. and R. C. Cambie. New Zealand's Economic Native Plants. Auckland, Oxford University Press.
Delph, L. F. and D. G. Lloyd. Environmental and genetic control of gender in the dimorphic shrub Hebe subalpina. Evolution 45: 1957-1964.
Duke, N. C. A systematic revision of the mangrove genus Avicennia (Avicenniaceae) in Australasia. Aust. Syst. Bot. 4: 299-324.
N.Z. plants are treated as Avicennia marina var. australasica (Walp.) Moldenke.
Edgar, E. and M. B. Forde. Agrostis L. in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 29: 139-161.
Fineran, B. A. Root hemi-parasitism in the Santalales. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 113: 277-308.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. Seed morphology and anatomy of the New Zealand genera Cheesemania, Ischnocarpus, Iti, Notothlaspi, and Pachycladon (Brassicaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 29: 71-82.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. Gender dimorphism in Cheesemania wallii (Brassicaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 29: 87-90.
Gibson, N. The anatomy and morphology of four Tasmanian cushion species. In Banks, M. R. et al. (Eds) Aspects of Tasmanian botany - a tribute to Winifred Curtis. Hobart, Roy. Soc. Tasmania. pp. 231-238.
Includes Donatia novae-zelandiae and Phyllachne colensoi.
Heenan, P. Olearia ¥matthewsii 'Highland Mist': a new interspecific and cultivar name. Hort. N.Z. 2: 13-14.
Hill, R. S. and J. Read. A revised infrageneric classification of Nothofagus (Fagaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 105: 37-72.
1991 Huynh, K.-L. The flower structure in the genus Freycinetia, Pandanaceae (part 1) - Potential bisexuality in the genus Freycinetia. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 112: 295-328.
Jansen, R. K., Michaels, H. J. and J. D. Palmer. Phylogeny and character evolution in the Asteraceae based on chloroplast DNA restriction site mapping. Syst. Bot. 16: 98-115.
Includes Gnaphalium luteoalbum.
Kapil, R. N. and A. K. Bhatnagar. Embryological evidence in angiosperm classification and phylogeny. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 113: 309-338.
Mentions Corokia and Donatia.
Lord, J. M. Pollination and seed dispersal in Freycinetia baueriana, a dioecious liane that has lost its bat pollinator. N.Z. J. Bot. 29: 83-86.
Macmillan, B. H. Acaena rorida and Acaena tesca (Rosaceae) - two new species from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 29: 131-138.
Macmillan, B. H. Acaena pallida (Kirk) Allan (Rosaceae) in Tasmania and New South Wales, Australia. In Banks, M. R. et al. (Eds) Aspects of Tasmanian botany - a tribute to Winifred Curtis. Hobart, Roy. Soc. Tasmania. pp. 53-55.
Middleton, D. J. Infrageneric classification of the genus Gaultheria L. (Ericaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 106: 229-258.
Middleton, D. J. Ecology, reproductive biology and hybridization in Gaultheria L. Edin. J. Bot. 48: 81-89.
Middleton, D. J. Taxonomic studies in the Gaultheria group of genera of the Tribe Andromedeae (Ericaceae). Edin. J. Bot. 48: 283-306.
Murray, D. R. and A. W. D. Larkum. Seed proteins of the seagrass Zostera capricorni. Aquatic Bot. 40: 101-108.
Oginuma, K. et al. Karyomorphology of Coriaria (Coriariaceae): taxonomic implications. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 103: 297-308.
Includes N.Z. spp.
Patel, R. N. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand. 21, Loranthaceae. N.Z. J. Bot. 29: 429-449.
Pennington, T. D. The Genera of Sapotaceae. Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens.
Planchonella is regarded as a synonym of Pouteria, and the name Pouteria costata is reinstated for the N.Z. sp.
Smith, A. C. Flora Vitiensis Nova: A New Flora of Fiji (Spermatophytes only). 5. Lawai, Hawaii, National Tropical Botanical Garden.
Stringer, S. and J. G. Conran. Stamen and seed cuticle morphology in some Arthropodium and Dichopogon species (Anthericaceae). Aust. J. Bot. 39: 129-135.
Includes Arthropodium candidum and A. cirratum.
Sytsma, K. J., Smith, J. F. and P. E. Berry. The use of chloroplast DNA to assess biogeography and evolution of morphology, breeding systems, and flavonoids in Fuchsia sect. Skinnera (Onagraceae). Syst. Bot. 16: 257-269.
Todzia, C. A. and R. C. Keating. Leaf architecture of the Chloranthaceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 78: 476-496.
Includes Ascarina lucida.
1991 Tomlinson, P. B., Braggins, J. E. and J. A. Rattenbury. Pollination drop in relation to cone morphology in Podocarpaceae: a novel reproductive mechanism. Amer. J. Bot. 78: 1289-1303.
Umaderi, I. and M. Daniel. Chemosystematics of the Sapindaceae. Feddes Repert. 102: 607-612.
Includes Dodonaea viscosa.
van der Ham, R. W. J. M. The apertural system in Nephelieae pollen (Sapindaceae): form, function and evolution. Acta Bot. Neerl. 40: 162-163.
Alectryon pollen mentioned.
Wardle, P. Vegetation of New Zealand. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Webb, C. J. and M. J. A. Simpson. Seed morphology in relation to taxonomy in New Zealand species of Weinmannia, Ackama, and the related South American Caldcluvia paniculata (Cunoniaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 29: 451-453.
1992 Barker, W. R. New Australasian species of Peplidium and Glossostigma (Scrophulariaceae). J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 15: 71-74.
Describes Glossostigma cleistanthum for central and S.E. Australia and N.Z.
Belcher, R. O. The genus Senecio (Compositae) on Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands. Kew Bull. 47: 765-773.
All spp. are endemic; a number of names previously ascribed to taxa from these islands are excluded including S. lautus.
Belcher, R. O. Rediscovery of Senecio australis Willd. (Asteraceae) after nearly two centuries. Taxon 41: 235-252.
Senecio australis Willd. was based on a Forster specimen said to be from N.Z. Specimens from Norfolk Id are shown to be identical with the holotype of S. australis and distinct fron S. lautus.
Bergin, D. O. and M. O. Kimberley. Provenance variation in Podocarpus totara. N.Z. J. Ecol. 16: 5-13.
Bergman, B., Johanson, C. and E. Söderback. The Nostoc - Gunnera symbiosis. New Phytol. 122: 379-400.
Includes summary of the genus Gunnera.
Briggs, B. G. and F. Ehrendorfer. A revision of the Australian species of Parahebe and Derwentia (Scrophulariaceae). Telopea 5: 241-287.
Discusses N.Z. Parahebe.
Carlquist, S. Pit membrane remnants in perforation plates of primitive dicotyledons and their significance. Amer. J. Bot. 79: 660-672.
Includes several N.Z. spp.
Chinnock, R. J. New taxa and combinations in the Myoporaceae. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 15: 75-79.
Eremophila debilis (Andr.) Chinnock a new name for Myoporum debile.
Chuang, T. I and R. Ornduff. Seed morphology and systematics of Menyanthaceae. Amer. J. Bot. 79: 1396-1406.
Includes Liparophyllum gunnii.
1992 Connor, H. E. The botany of change in tussock grasslands in the MacKenzie Country, South Canterbury, New Zealand; the 1992 McCaskill Memorial Lecture. Review 49: 1-31.
Delph, L. F. and D. G. Lloyd. Environmental and genetic control of gender in the dimorphic shrub Hebe subalpina. Evolution 45: 1957-1964.
Dubcovsky, J. and A. J. Martinez. Cytotaxonomy of the Festuca spp. from Patagonia. Canad. J. Bot. 70: 1134-1140.
Includes Festuca contracta.
Enright, N. J. Factors affecting reproductive behaviour in the New Zealand nikau palm, Rhopalostylis sapida Wendl. et Drude. N.Z. J. Bot. 30: 69-80.
Espie, P. R., Connor, H. E. and I. J. McCracken. Leaf-blade crimping in grasses: a new measure of growth. Experientia 48: 91-94.
Gandolfo, M. A. and E. J. Romero. Leaf morphology and a key to species of Nothofagus Bl. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 119: 152-166.
Glossner, F. Ultraviolet patterns in the traps and flowers of some carnivorous plants. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 113: 577-587.
Includes Drosera binata.
Haase, P. Isozyme variability and biogeography of Nothofagus truncata (Fagaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 30: 315-328.
Haase, P. Isozyme variation and genetic relationships in Phyllocladus trichomanoides and P. alpinus (Podocarpaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 30: 359-363.
Harden, G. J. (Ed.) Flora of New South Wales 3. Kensington, NSW Univ. Press.
Harris, W., Porter, N. G. and M. I. Dawson. Observations on biosystematic relationships of Kunzea sinclairii and on an intergeneric hybrid Kunzea sinclairii ¥ Leptospermum scoparium. N.Z. J. Bot. 30: 213-230.
Heads, M. J. Taxonomic notes on the Hebe (Scrophulariaceae) complex in the New Zealand mountains. Candollea 47: 583-595.
Huynh, K.-L. The flower structure in the genus Freycinetia, Pandanaceae (part 2) - Early differentiation of the sex organs, especially of the staminodes; and further notes on the anthers. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 114: 417-441.
Mentions Freycinetia banksii.
Huynh, K.-L. and F. B. Sampson. Flower structure in Freycinetia banksii (Pandanaceae) of New Zealand. Bot. Helv. 102: 175-191.
Imaichi, R. and K. Okamoto. Comparative androecium morphogenesis of Sicyos angulatus and Sechium edule (Cucurbitaceae). Bot. Mag. Tokyo 105: 539-548.
Jaaska, V. Isoenzyme variation in the grass genus Elymus (Poaceae). Hereditas 117: 11-22.
Kamelina, O. P. On the embryology of the genus Ixerba in relation to its systematic position. Bot. Zhurn. 77 (12): 112-117.
(In Russian).
Kelly, D. et al. Mast seeding of Chionochloa (Poaceae) and pre-dispersal seed predation by a specialist fly (Diplotoxa, Diptera: Chloropidae). N.Z. J. Bot. 30: 125-133.
1992 Linder, H. P. The gynoecia of Australian Restionaceae: morphology, anatomy and systematic implications. Aust. Syst. Bot. 5: 227-245.
Includes Empodisma minus.
Lloyd, D. G. and M. S. Wells. Reproductive biology of a primitive angiosperm, Pseudowintera colorata (Winteraceae) and the evolution of pollination systems in the Anthophyta. Plant Syst. Evol. 181: 77-95.
Middleton, D. J. A chemotaxonomic survey of flavonoids and simple phenols in the leaves of Gaultheria L. and related genera (Ericaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 110: 313-324.
Murray, B. G., Cameron, E. K. and L. S. Standring. Chromosome numbers, karyotypes, and nuclear DNA variation in Pratia Gaudin (Lobeliaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 30: 181-187.
Nicolson, D. H. Seventy-two proposals for the conservation of types of selected Linnaean generic names, the report of Subcommittee 3C on the lectotypification of Linnaean generic names. Taxon 41: 552-583.
Includes discussion on lectotypification of Agrostis, Anemone, Apium, Atriplex, Carex, Convolvulus, Elymus, Galium, Gnaphalium, Passiflora, Rubus, Scutellaria, Sophora.
Nyananyo, B. L. Pollen morphology in the Portulacaceae (Centrospermae). Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 27: 387-400.
Includes Lyallia.
Patel, R. N. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand. 22, Proteaceae. N.Z. J. Bot. 30: 415-428.
Pedral, J. (1050) Proposal to amend 2261 Suaeda, nom. cons. (Chenopodiaceae). Taxon 41: 337-338.
Philbrick, C. T. and L. M. Bernadello. Taxonomic and geographic distribution of internal geitonogamy in New World Callitriche (Callitrichaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 79: 887-890.
Notes that Old World, including N.Z., spp. lacked internal geitonogamy.
Philipp, M. Reproductive biology of Geranium sessiliflorum. 3. Population ecology of two populations and three leaf colour morphs. N.Z. J. Bot. 30: 151-161.
Rahn, K. Trichomes within the Plantaginaceae. Nord. J. Bot. 12: 3-12.
Includes Plantago raoulii, P. spathulata, P. triandra, P. triantha and P. uniflora.
Robertson, A. W. The relationship between floral display size, pollen carryover and geitonogamy in Myosotis colensoi (Kirk) Macbride (Boraginaceae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 46: 333-349.
Rowan, D. D. and G. B. Russell. 3b-methoxyhop-22(29)-ene from Chionochloa cheesemanii. Phytochem. 31: 702-703.
Rudall, P. and S. Morley. Embryo sac and early post-fertilization development in Thismia (Burmanniaceae). Kew Bull. 47: 625-632.
T. rodwayi is mentioned.
Salmon, J. T. A field guide to the alpine plants of New Zealand. 3rd ed. Auckland, Godwit Press.
1992 Seawright, A. A. and B. L. Smith. The indigenous poisonous plants of Australia and New Zealand. In James, L. F. et al. Poisonous plants. Proc. Third Int. Symp. Ames. pp. 55-62.
Shanmukha Rao, S. R. and M. Leela. Chemotaxonomy of some Ipomoea L. (Convolvulaceae). Feddes Repert. 103: 351-355.
Includes I. pes-caprae.
Smith, P. J. A revision of the genus Wahlenbergia (Campanulaceae) in Australia. Telopea 5: 91-175.
N.Z. plants are mentioned.
Sykes, W. R. Two new names in Macropiper Miq. (Piperaceae) from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 30: 231-236.
Tobe, H., Suzuki, M. and T. Fukuhara. Pericarp anatomy and evolution in Coriaria (Coriariaceae). Bot. Mag. Tokyo 105: 289-302.
Veldkamp, J. F. Miscellaneous notes on Southeast Asian Gramineae VII. Blumea 37: 227-237.
Published a superfluous name Lachnagrostis avenacea (J.F.Gmel.) Veldkamp for L. filiformis.
Vincent, P. L. D. and F. M. Getliffe. Elucidative studies on the generic concept of Senecio (Asteraceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 108: 55-81.
Walsh, N. A new combination in Pomaderris (Rhamnaceae) in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 30: 117-118.
Watson, L. and M. J. Dallwitz. The Grass Genera of the World. Cambridge, University Press.
Webb, C. J. Sex ratios from seed in six families of Scandia geniculata (Apiaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 30: 401-404.
West, M. M., Lott, J. N. A. and D. R. Murray. Studies of storage reserves in seeds of the marine angiosperm Zostera capricorni. Aquatic Bot. 43: 75-85.
Wilkinson, H. P. Leaf anatomy of the Pittosporaceae R. Br. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 110: 1-59.
Williams, P. Ecology of the endangered herb Scutellaria novae-zelandiae. N.Z. J. Ecol. 16: 127-135.
Wilson, H. D. and P. J. Garnock-Jones. Two new species names in Olearia (Asteraceae) from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 30: 365-368.
Yoda, K. and M. Suzuki. Comparative wood anatomy of Coriaria. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 105: 235-245.
Yukawa, T. et al. Existence of two stomatal shapes in the genus Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) and its systematic significance. Amer. J. Bot. 79: 946-952.
Includes D. cunninghamii.
1993 Amor-Prats, D. and J. B. Harborne. New sources of ergoline alkaloids within the genus Ipomoea. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 21: 455-462.
Includes I. pes-caprae.
Barrett, S. C. H., Eckert, C. G. and B. C. Husband. Evolutionary processes in aquatic plant populations. Aquatic Bot. 44: 105-145.
Includes measurements of electrophoretically detectable variation at isozyme loci in Lemna minor, Potamogeton pectinatus, Zostera capricorni, Z. novozelandica.
1993 Breitwieser, I. Comparative leaf anatomy of New Zealand and Tasmanian Inuleae (Compositae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 111: 183-209.
Breitwieser, I. and J. M. Ward. Systematics of New Zealand Inuleae (Compositae - Asteraceae). 3, Numerical phenetic analysis of leaf anatomy and flavonoids. N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 43-58.
Bremer, K. New subtribes of the Lactuceae (Asteraceae). Novon 3: 328-330.
Lactuceae subtribe Sonchinae K.Bremer includes Embergeria, and Kirkianella.
Brummitt, R. K. Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta: 38. Taxon 42: 687-697.
(726) Rejection of Epilobium junceum - recommended. (931) Conserve Scirpus L. with a new type, S. lacustris L. - recommended. (952) Conserved spelling "Brachycome" - not recommended; spelling Brachyscome is preferred.
Brummitt, R. K. Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta: 39. Taxon 42: 873-879.
(989) Conserve 7759a Parahebe W.R.B.Oliv. against Derwentia - recommended.
Cambie, R. C. et al. Triterpenes from Elingamita johnsonii G.T.Baylis (Myrsinaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 425-426.
Cameron, E. K. et al. Threatened and local plant lists (1993 revision). N.Z. Bot. Soc. Newsletter 32: 14-28.
Clifford, H. T. Dispersal of fleshy diaspores in the seed floras of the South Island (New Zealand) and Tasmania. Aust. Syst. Bot. 6: 449-455.
Connor, H. E., Molloy, B. P. J. and M. I. Dawson. Australopyrum (Triticeae: Gramineae) in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 1-10.
Dawson, M. I. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 31, Clematis (Ranunculaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 91-96.
Dawson, M. I. et al. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 32, Raoulia (Inuleae-Compositae (Asteraceae)). N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 97-106.
Dillon, M. O. and M. Muñoz-Schick. A revision of the dioecious genus Griselinia (Griseliniaceae) including a new species from the coastal Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Brittonia 45: 261-274.
Forster, P. I. A taxonomic revision of the genus Peperomia Ruiz & Pav. (Piperaceae) in mainland Australia. Austrobaileya 4: 93-104.
Includes Peperomia tetraphylla.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. Phylogeny of the Hebe complex (Scrophulariaceae: Veronicae). Aust. Syst. Bot. 6: 457-479.
George, A. S., Orchard, A. E. and H. J. Hewson (Eds) Flora of Australia. 50, Oceanic Islands 2. Canberra, AGPS.
Includes flora of Macquarie Id.
1993 Green, P. S. Notes relating to the floras of Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands, IV. Kew Bull. 48: 307-325.
Includes Macropiper excelsum subsp. psittacorum.
Gould, K. S. Leaf heteroblasty in Pseudopanax crassifolius: functional significance of leaf morphology and anatomy. Ann. Bot. 71: 61-70.
Haase, P., Breitwieser, I. and J. M. Ward. Genetic relationships of Helichrysum dimorphum (Inuleae-Compositae (Asteraceae)) with H. filicaule, H. depressum and Raoulia glabra as resolved by isozyme analysis. N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 59-64.
Harden, G. J. (Ed.) Flora of New South Wales. 4. Kensington, NSW Univ. Press.
Hatch, D. Corybas longipetalus (Hatch) Hatch comb. et stat. nov. N.Z. Native Orchid Group J. 47: 6.
Heads, M. J. Biogeography and biodiversity in Hebe, a South Pacific genus of Scrophulariaceae. Candollea 48: 19-60.
Hill, R. S. and G. J. Jordan. The evolutionary history of Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae). Aust. Syst. Bot. 6: 111-126.
Ho, T.-N. and S.-W. Liu. New combinations, names and taxonomic notes on Gentianella (Gentianaceae) from South America and New Zealand. Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Bot.) 23: 61-65.
Makes new combinations for twenty N.Z. spp. formerly placed in Gentiana.
Holzapfel, S. and H. W. Lack. New species of Picris (Asteraceae, Lactuceae) from Australia. Willdenowia 23: 181-191.
Describes 5 new spp. of which Picris burbidgei S.Holzapfel also occurs in N.Z.
Huynh, K.-L. Some new distinctive features between Freycinetia banksii Cunn. (Pandanaceae) of New Zealand and F. baueriana Endl. of Norfolk Island. Candollea 48: 501-510.
Irwin, J. B. Notes on seven forms of Corybas rivularis. N.Z. Native Orchid Group J. 47: 7-9.
Jacobs, S. W. L., McClay, K. L. and B. K. Simon. Review of Dichelachne (Gramineae) in Australia. Telopea 5: 325-328.
All N.Z. spp. also occur in Australia.
Kellogg, E. A. and L. Watson. Phylogenetic studies of a large data set. 1. Bambusoideae, Andropogonodae, and Pooideae (Gramineae). Bot. Rev. 59: 273-343.
Explicitly excludes Australopyrum.
Keogh, J. A. and P. Bannister. Transoceanic dispersal in the amphiantarctic genus Discaria: an evaluation. N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 427-430.
Kores, P. J., Molvray, M. and S. P. Darwin. Morphometric variation in three species of Cyrtostylis (Orchidaceae). Syst. Bot. 18: 274-282.
Includes N.Z. C. oblonga and C. reniformis.
Lakshminara Yana, K. and P. Srinivasa Rao. Embryological inves-tigations in some species of Ipomoea. Taiwania 38: 109-116.
Includes I. pes-caprae.
1993 Les, D. H. and Philbrick, C. T. Studies of hybridization and chromosome number variation in aquatic angiosperms: evolutionary implications. Aquatic Bot. 44: 181-228.
Includes Callitriche petriei, Cotula coronopifolia, Lemna minor, Ruppia polycarpa, Potamogeton pectinatus, Wolffia australiana.
Lord, J. M. Does clonal fragmentation contribute to recruitment in Festuca novae-zelandiae? N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 133-138.
Lu, B.-R. Meiotic studies of Elymus nutans and E. jaquemontii (Poaceae, Triticeae) and their hybrids with Pseudoroegneria spicata and seventeen Elymus species. Pl. Syst. Evol. 186: 193-212.
Lu, B.-R. and R. von Bothmer. Meiotic analysis of Elymus caucasicus, E. longearistatus, and their interspecific hybrids with twenty-three Elymus species (Triticeae, Poaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 185: 33-53.
Martin, P. G. and J. M. Dowd. Using sequences of rbcL to study phylogeny and biogeography of Nothofagus species. Aust. Syst. Bot. 6: 441-447.
Martinez, S. Relaciones feneticas entre las especies del genero Azorella (Apiaceae, Hydrocotyloideae). Darwiniana 32: 159-170.
Includes Azorella selago.
Martinez, S. Sinopsis del genero Azorella (Apiaceae, Hydrocotyloideae). Darwiniana 32: 171-184.
Martinsson, K. The pollen of Swedish Callitriche (Callitrichaceae) - trends towards submergence. Grana 32: 198-209.
Includes Callitriche stagnalis.
Metcalf, L. The cultivation of New Zealand plants. Auckland, Godwit Press.
Middleton, D. J. A systematic survey of leaf and stem anatomical characters in the genus Gaultheria and related genera (Ericaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 113: 199-215.
Moar, N. T. Pollen Grains of New Zealand Dicotyledonous Plants. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua Press.
Molloy, B. Corybas longipetalus (Hatch) Hatch nom. illeg. N.Z. Native Orchid Group J. 48: 6-7.
Posluszny, U. and Charlton, W. A. Evolution of the helobial flower. Aquatic Bot. 44: 303-324.
Discusses floral structure of Potamogeton, Triglochin including T. striata, and Ruppia.
Reid, A. R. and B. A. Bohm. External and vacuolar flavonoids of Brachyglottis cassinioides. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 21: 746.
Simon, B. K. A Key to Australian Grasses, ed. 2. Brisbane, Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries.
Snogerup, S. A revision of Juncus subgen. Juncus (Juncaceae). Willdenowia 23: 23-73.
Makes new combination Juncus kraussii var. australiensis (Buchanan) Snogerup for the Australasian plants formerly known as J. maritimus var. australiensis.
St George, I. The Pacifc genus Earina. Orchadian 11: 56-65.
Summarised history of genus with brief descriptions of the six species.
1993 Strong, M. T. New combinations in Schoenoplectus (Cyperaceae). Novon 3: 202-203.
Does not accept the separation of Bolboschoenus and Schoenoplectus. The combination Schoenoplectus fluviatilis (Torrey) M.T.Strong is based on Scirpus maritimus var. fluviatilis Torrey.
Suh, Y. et al. Molecular evolution and phylogenetic implications of internal transcribed spacer sequences of ribosomal DNA in Winteraceae. Amer. J. Bot. 80: 1042-1055.
Includes Pseudowintera axillaris and P. colorata.
Swenson, U. The identity of Abrotanella christensenii Petrie (Asteraceae). Compositae Newsletter 23: 3-6.
A. christensenii is regarded as synonymous with Australian Solenogyne gunnii which has been recorded for N.Z. as a naturalised sp.
Sydes, M. A. and D. M. Calder. Comparative reproduction biology of two sun-orchids: the vulnerable Thelymitra circumsepta and the widespread T. ixioides (Orchidaceae). Aust. J. Bot. 41: 577-589.
Sykes, W. R. Reinstatement of Pseudopanax kermadecensis (W.R.B. Oliv.) Philipson (Araliaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 19-20.
Sykes, W. R. and P. J. de Lange. Plectranthus parviflorus Willd. (Lamiaceae) in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 11-14.
Talavera, S., García-Murillo, P. and J. Herrera. Chromosome numbers and a new model for karyotype evolution in Ruppia L. (Ruppiaceae). Aquatic Bot. 45: 1-13.
Includes Ruppia megacarpa and R. polycarpa.
Thompson, J. A revision of the genus Swainsona (Fabaceae). Telopea 5: 427-582.
Torres, A. M. Revisión del género Stipa (Poaceae) en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Monografia 12. Prov. Buenos Aires, Comisión Invest. Cien.
Vanvinckenroye, P. et al. A comparative floral developmental study in Pisonia, Bougainvillea and Mirabilis (Nyctaginaceae) with special emphasis on the gynoecium and floral nectaries. Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 62: 69-96.
Pisonia brunoniana was studied.
Ward, J. M. Systematics of New Zealand Inuleae (Compositae - Asteraceae). 1, A numerical phenetic study of the species of Raoulia. N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 21-28.
Ward, J. M. Systematics of New Zealand Inuleae (Compositae - Asteraceae). 2, A numerical phenetic study of Raoulia in relation to allied genera. N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 29-42.
Webb, C. J. and D. Kelly. The reproductive biology of the New Zealand flora. Trends Ecol. Evol. 8: 442-447.
Webb, C. J. and P. E. Pearson. The evolution of approach herkogamy from protandry in New Zealand Gentiana (Gentianaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 186: 187-191.
Wilson, H. D. and T. Galloway. Small-leaved Shrubs of New Zealand. Christchurch, Manuka Press.
1993 Xiang, Q.-Y. et al. Phylogenetic relationships of Cornus L. sensu lato and putative relatives inferred from rbcL sequence data. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 80: 723-734.
Corokia and Griselinia previously placed in Cornaceae by some authors are only distantly related to Cornus.
1994 Al-Shammary, K. I. A. and R. J. Gornall. Trichome anatomy of the Saxifragaceae s.l. from the southern hemisphere. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 114: 99-131.
Battjes, J., Chambers, K. L. and K. Bachmann. Evolution of microsporangium numbers in Microseris (Asteraceae: Lactuceae). Amer. J. Bot. 81: 641-647.
Includes Microseris scapigera.
Brummitt, R. K. Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta: 40. Taxon 43: 113-126.
(1032) Authorship of Donatiaceae recommended to be attributed to Chandler 1911 instead of Dostál 1957. Baumea Gaudich. (Cyperaceae) and Baumia Engl. & Gilg. (Scrophulariaceae) deemed not confused but the Committee thought that Baumea Gaudich. was not in current use.
Brummitt, R. K. Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta: 40. Taxon 43: 271-277.
(1050) validating author for the genus Suaeda should be J.F. Gmelin.
Chambers, H. L. and K. E. Hummer. Chromosome counts in the Mentha collection at the USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository. Taxon 43: 423-432.
Includes Mentha cunninghamii.
Clearwater, M. J. and K. S. Gould. Comparative leaf development of juvenile and adult Pseudopanax crassifolius. Canad. J. Bot. 72: 658-670.
Conacher, C. A. et al. Morphology, flowering and seed production of Zostera capricorni Aschers. in subtropical Australia. Aquatic Bot. 49: 33-46.
Conn, B. J. and P. G. Richards. A new species of Oxalis section Corniculatae (Oxalidaceae) from Australasia. Aust. Syst. Bot. 7: 171-181.
Oxalis thompsoniae Conn et Richards is described for Papua New Guinea, eastern Australia, Lord Howe Id, and N.Z.
Connor, H. E. Indigenous New Zealand Triticeae: Gramineae. N.Z. J. Bot. 32: 125-154.
Culham, A. and R. J. Gornall. The taxonomic significance of naphthoquinones in the Droseraceae. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 22: 507-515.
Includes most N.Z. spp.
Curtis, W. M. and D. I. Morris. The Students' Flora of Tasmania. 4B, Angiospermae: Alismataceae to Burmanniaceae. Hobart, St David's Park Publishing.
Endress, P. K. Shapes, sizes and evolutionary trends in stamens of Magnoliidae. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 115: 429-460.
Macropiper excelsum included.
1994 Everett, J. New combinations in the genus Avicennia (Avicenniaceae). Telopea 5: 627-629.
Makes the new combination Avicennia marina subsp. australasica (Walp.) J.Everett and discusses the typification.
Fuller, G. Observations on the pollination of Corybas "A". N.Z. Native Orchid Group J. 53: 18-22.
Described later (1996) as Corybas iridescens Irwin et Molloy.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. Heliohebe (Scrophulariaceae - Veroniceae), a new genus segregated from Hebe. N.Z. J. Bot. 31: 323-339.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. and B. D. Clarkson. Hebe adamsii and H. murrellii (Scrophulariaceae) reinstated. N.Z. J. Bot. 32: 11-15.
Haase, P. Genetic relationships and inferred evolutionary divergence in the New Zealand taxa of Nothofagus - results from isozyme analysis. Aust. Syst. Bot. 7: 47-55.
Heads, M. A biogeographic review of Parahebe (Scrophulariaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 115: 65-89.
Makes new combinations in Parahebe.
Heads, M. J. Morphology, architecture and taxonomy in the Hebe complex (Scrophulariaceae). Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Sect. B, Adansonia 16: 163-191.
Heads, M. J. Biodiversity and biogeogaphy in New Zealand Ourisia (Scrophulariaceae). Candollea 49: 23-36.
Heads, M. J. Biogeography and biodiversity in New Zealand Pimelea (Thymelaeaceae). Candollea 49: 37-53.
Heads, M. J. Biogeographic studies in New Zealand Scrophulariaceae: tribes Rhinantheae, Calceolarieae and Gratioleae. Candollea 49: 55-80.
Heads, M. J. Biogeography and evolution in the Hebe complex (Scrophulariaceae): Leonohebe and Chionohebe. Candollea 49: 81-119.
Heenan, P. B. The status of names in Hebe published by Professor Arnold Wall in 1929. N.Z. J. Bot. 32: 521-522.
Hennion, F., Fiasson, J. L. and K. Gluchoff-Fiasson. Morphological and phytochemical relationships between Ranunculus species from Iles Kerguelen. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 22: 533-542.
Includes R. biternatus.
Herrick, J. F. and E. K. Cameron. Annotated checklist of type specimens of New Zealand plants in the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium (AK): part 5. Dicotyledons. Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 31: 89-173.
Holzapfel, S. A revision of the genus Picris (Asteraceae, Lactuceae) s.l. in Australia. Willdenowia 24: 97-218.
Includes Picris burbidgei S.Holzapfel which also occurs in N.Z.
Irwin, J. B. Corybas rivularis - one species or several? Wellington Bot. Soc. Bull. 46: 48-53.
Jones, D. L. New species of Orchidaceae from south-eastern Australia. Muelleria 8: 177-192.
Pterostylis tasmanica described as new for southern Victoria, Tasmania and N.Z.
1994 Kelly, D. The evolutionary ecology of mast seeding. Trends Ecol. Evol. 9: 465-470.
Kosenko. V. N. Pollen morphology of the families Phormiaceae, Blandfordiaceae and Doryanthaceae. Bot. Zhurn. 79(7): 1-12.
(In Russian).
Kravtsova, T. I. and D. V. Geltman. Pericarp and seed coat anatomy and ultrasculpture in representatives of Urtica (Urticaceae). Bot. Zhurn. 79(2): 27-44.
(In Russian). Includes Urtica ferox.
Large, M. F. and D. J. Mabberley. The pollen of Dysoxylum (Meliaceae): the demise of Pseudocarapa. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 116: 1-12.
Lavin, M., Doyle, J. J. and J. D. Palmer. Evolutionary significance of the loss of the chloroplast-DNA inverted repeat in the Leguminosae subfamily Papilionidae. Evolution 44: 390-402.
Includes Carmichaelia.
Lord, J. M. Variation in Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne germination behaviour with altitude of seed source. N.Z. J. Bot. 32: 227-235.
Molloy, B. P. J. Reinstatement of Corybas orbiculatus (Colenso) L.B. Moore. N.Z. Native Orchid Group J. 51: 12-14.
Molloy, B. P. J. and G. N. Bawden. Taxonomic and conservation status of Geum divergens Cheeseman (Rosaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 32: 119-124.
Molloy, B. P. J. and A. P. Druce. A new species name in Melicytus (Violaceae) from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 32: 113-118.
Molloy, B. P. J. and I. M. St George. A new species of Drymoanthus (Orchidaceae) from New Zealand, and typification of D. adversus. N.Z. J. Bot. 32: 415-421.
Molloy, B. P. J. and C. J. Webb. Taxonomy and typification of New Zealand Geum (Rosaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 32: 423-428.
Orchard, A. E. and A. J. G. Wilson. Flora of Australia. 49, Oceanic Islands, 1. Canberra, AGPS.
Many Norfolk Id spp. are shared with N.Z.
Patel, R. N. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand. 23, Myrtaceae - subfam. Leptospermoideae (part 1). N.Z. J. Bot. 32: 95-112.
Poole, A. L. and N. M. Adams. Trees and shrubs of New Zealand. Revised ed. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua Press.
Reid, A. R. and B. A. Bohm. Vacuolar and exudate flavonoids of New Zealand Cassinia (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae). Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 22: 501-505.
Soják, J. Notes on Potentilla (Rosaceae) X-XII. -X. The section Dumosae. XI. The P. microphylla and P. stenophylla groups (sect. Pentaphylloides). XII. Key to the taxa of P. sect. Pentaphylloides (Anserina). Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 116: 11-81.
Treats the N.Z. taxon as P. anserina subsp. anserinoides (Raoul) Soják.
Stock, P. A. and W. B. Silvester. Phloem transport of recently-fixed nitrogen in the Gunnera - Nostoc symbiosis. New Phytol. 126: 254-266.
Studies involved Gunnera monoica.
1994 Taylor, C. M. Revision of Tetragonia (Aizoaceae) in South America. Syst. Bot. 19: 575-589.
Includes T. tetragonioides.
Tomlinson, P. B. Functional morphology of saccate pollen in conifers with special reference to Podocarpaceae. Int. J. Pl. Sci. 155: 699-715.
Tucker, S. C. Floral ontogeny in Sophoreae (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae): II. Sophora sensu lato (Sophora group). Amer. J. Bot. 81: 368-380.
Includes Sophora microphylla.
Verboom, G. A., Linder, H. P. and N. P. Barker. Haustorial synergids: an important character in the systematics of danthonioid grasses (Arundinoideae: Poaceae)? Amer. J. Bot. 81: 1601-1610.
Walsh, N. G. and T. G. Entwisle (Eds) Flora of Victoria. 2, Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons. Melbourne, Inkata Press.
Webb, C. J. Pollination, self-incompatibility and fruit production in Corokia cotoneaster (Escalloniaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 32: 385-392.
Webster, G. L. Synopsis of the genera and suprageneric taxa of Euphorbiaceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 81: 33-144.
Accepts Poranthera and Oreoporanthera as distinct genera within subfamily Phyllanthoideae, Tribe Antidesmeae, subtribe Porantherinae. Attempted to validate Köhler's publication of subtribe Porantherinae in 1965 but the correct citation would be Euphorbiaceae subtribe Porantherinae (Müll.Arg.) G.L.Webster Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 81: 53 (1994). Retains the spelling Omalanthus.
Weiller, C. M., Crowdon, R. K. and J. M. Powell. Morphology and taxonomic significance of leaf epicuticular waxes in the Epacridaceae. Aust. Syst. Bot. 7: 125-152.
Westphalen, G. and J. G. Conran. Chromosome numbers in the Arthropodium-Dichopogon complex (Asparagales: Anthericaceae). Taxon 43: 377-381.
Includes chromosome counts of Arthropodium candidum and A. cirratum.
Williams, S. E., Albert, V. A. and M. W. Chase. Relationships of Droseraceae: a cladistic analysis of rbcL sequence and morphological data. Amer. J. Bot. 81: 1027-1037.
Includes Drosera binata and D. spathulata.
Wilson, K. L. New taxa and combinations in the family Cyperaceae in eastern Australia. Telopea 5: 589-625.
Discusses the type specimens of Lepidosperma filiforme and L. laterale which also occur in N.Z.
1995 Adams, L. G. Chionogentias (Gentianaceae) a new generic name for the Australasian 'snow-gentians' and a revision of the Australian species. Aust. Syst. Bot. 8: 935-1011.
Makes new combinations for some N.Z. spp. formerly placed in Gentiana.
Anton, A. M. and H. E. Connor. Floral biology and reproduction in Poa (Poeae: Gramineae). Aust. J. Bot. 43: 577-599.
Barker, N. P., Linder, H. P. and E. H. Harley. Polyphyly of the Arundinoideae (Poaceae): evidence from rbcL sequence data. Syst. Bot. 20: 423-435.
1995 Bloor, S. J. A survey of extracts of New Zealand indigenous plants for selected biological activities. N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 523-540.
Browning, J. and K. D. Gordon-Gray. Studies in Cyperaceae in southern Africa 27: a contribution to knowledge of spikelet morphology in Epischoenus and the relationship of this genus to Schoenus. S. Afr. J. Bot. 61: 147-152.
Discusses spikelet structure of Schoenus; S. apogon and S. brevifolius were among the spp. studied.
Browning, J., Gordon-Gray, K. D. and S. Galen Smith. Studies in Cyperaceae in southern Africa. 25: Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani. S. Afr. J. Bot. 61: 39-42.
Unites Schoenoplectus validus with S. tabernaemontani.
Bruhl, J. J. Sedge genera of the world: relationships and a new classification of the Cyperaceae. Aust. Syst. Bot. 8: 125-305.
Butz Huryn, V. M. Use of native New Zealand plants by honey bees (Apis mellifera L.): a review. N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 497-512.
Cameron, E. K. et al. New Zealand Botanical Society threatened and local plant lists (1995 revision). N.Z. Bot. Soc. Newsletter 39: 15-28.
Clark, L. G., Zhang, W. and J. F. Wendel. A phylogeny of the grass family (Poaceae) based on ndhF sequence data. Syst. Bot. 20: 436-460.
Conn, B. J. Taxonomic revision of Logania section Logania (Loganiaceae). Aust. Syst. Bot. 8: 585-665.
Discusses N.Z. Logania depressa.
Dawson, M. I. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 33, Miscellaneous species. N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 477-487.
Dijkgraaf, A. C., Lewis, G. D. and N. D. Mitchell. Chromosome number of the New Zealand puriri, Vitex lucens Kirk. N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 425-426.
Edgar, E. New Zealand species of Deyeuxia P.Beauv. and Lachnagrostis Trin. (Gramineae: Aveneae). N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 1-33.
Garay, L. A. and E. A. Christenson. Danhatchia a new genus for Yoania australis. Orchadian 11: 469-471.
Gardner, R. O. Some seed in Melicytus (Violaceae). J. Auck. Bot. Soc. 50: 35-37.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. and D. A. Norton. Lepidium naufragorum (Brassicaceae), a new species from Westland, and notes on other New Zealand coastal species of Lepidium. N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 43-51.
Godley, E. J. and P. E. Berry. The biology and systematics of Fuchsia in the South Pacific. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 82: 473-516.
Fuchsia procumbens is placed in a new section Procumbentes.
Heenan, P. B. Typification of names in Carmichaelia, Chordospartium, Corallospartium, and Notospartium (Fabaceae - Galegeae) from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 439-454.
Heenan, P. B. A taxonomic revision of Carmichaelia (Fabaceae-Galegeae) in New Zealand. Part 1. N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 455-475.
Heenan, P. B. Typification of Clianthus puniceus (Fabaceae-Galegeae). N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 561-562.
1995 Hofstra, D. E., Adam, K. D. and J. S. Clayton. Isozyme variation in New Zealand populations of Myriophyllum and Potamogeton species. Aquatic Bot. 52: 121-131.
Jacobs, S. W. L., Everett, J. and M. E. Barkworth. Clarification of morphological terms used in the Stipeae (Gramineae), and a reassessment of Nassella in Australia. Taxon 44: 33-41.
Jane, G. T. and W. R. Sykes. Wilsonia backhousei (Convolvulaceae) in New Zealand. N.Z. Bot. Soc. Newsletter 42: 4-6.
Plants of Australian W. backhousei in Tasman Bay are regarded as indigenous to N.Z.
Kores, P. J. A systematic study of the genus Acianthus (Orchidaceae: Diurideae). Allertonia 7: 87-220.
Länger, R., Pein, I. and B. Kopp. Glandular hairs in the genus Drosera (Droseraceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 194: 163-172.
Includes all N.Z. spp.
Linder, H. P. and M. D. Crisp. Nothofagus and Pacific biogeography. Cladistics 11: 5-32.
Macmillan, B. H. Nertera villosa B.H.Macmill. et R.Mason (Rubiaceae), a new species from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 435-438.
Mark, A. F. and N. M. Adams. The New Zealand alpine plants. 2nd ed. Auckland, Godwit.
Molloy, B. P. J. Two new species of Leucogenes (Inuleae: Asteraceae) from New Zealand, and typification of L. grandiceps. N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 53-63.
Molloy, B. P. J. Manoao (Podocarpaceae), a new monotypic conifer genus endemic to New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 183-201.
Murray, B. G. and P. J. de Lange. Chromosome numbers in the rare endemic Pennantia baylisiana (W.R.B.Oliv.) G.T.S.Baylis (Icacinaceae) and related species. N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 563-564.
Nelson, E. C. Lophomyrtus aotearoana E.C.Nelson: a new Latin name for the New Zealand native myrtle, ramarama. N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 557-559.
The name was illegitimate; see Garnock-Jones & Craven (1996) and Nic Lughadha (1996).
Ohyama, M. et al. Occurrence of prenylated flavonoids and oligostilbenes and its significance for chemotaxonomy of genus Sophora (Leguminosae). Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 23: 669-677.
Includes S. prostrata and S. tetraptera.
Patel, R. N. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand. 24, Fabaceae - subfam. Faboideae (part 1). N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 121-130.
Patel, R. N. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand. 25, Myrtaceae - subfam. Myrtoideae (part 1). N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 541-555.
Petterson, J. A., Williams, E. G. and M. I. Dawson. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 34, Wahlenbergia (Campanulaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 33: 489-496.
1995 Plunkett, G. M. et al. Phylogenetic relationships between Juncaceae and Cyperaceae: insights from rbcL sequence data. Amer. J. Bot. 82: 520-525.
Includes Rostkovia magellanica.
Reid, A. and B. A. Bohm. Flavonoids of Raoulia Hook.f. ex Raoul (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae). Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 23: 209-210.
Smith, S. G. New combinations in North American Schoenoplectus, Bulboschoenus, Isolepis and Trichophorum (Cyperaceae). Novon 5: 97-102.
Schoenoplectus validus is conspecific with S. tabernaemontani, the older name.
Swenson, U. Systematics of Abrotanella, an amphi-Pacific genus of Asteraceae (Senecioneae). Plant. Syst. Evol. 197: 149-193.
Describes A. fertilis Swenson from N.Z.
Thompson, P. N. and R. J. Gornall. Breeding systems in Coriaria (Coriariaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 117: 293-304.
1996 Baeza P., C. M. Los géneros Danthonia DC. y Rytidosperma Steud. (Poaceae) en América - Una revisión. Sendtnera 3: 11-93.
Discusses characters distinguishing Rytidosperma from Danthonia.
Beever, R. E. and S. L. Parkes. Self-incompatibility in Cordyline australis (Asteliaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 135-137.
Browning, J. and K. D. Gordon-Gray. A gynophore in Desmoschoenus (Cyperaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 131-134.
Cambie, R. C., Pan, Y. J. and B. F. Bowden. Flavonoids of the barks of Melicope simplex and Melicope ternata. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 24: 461-462.
Chase, M. W., Rudall, P. J. and J. G. Conran. New circumscriptions and a new family of asparagoid lilies: genera formerly included in Anthericaceae. Kew Bull. 51: 667-680.
Arthropodium and Cordyline assigned to the newly circumscribed family Lomandraceae.
Chinnock, R. J. To the limits of Disphyma (Aizoaceae: Ruschioideae) and beyond. Aloe 33: 59-61.
Capsule of D. australe compared with other spp.
Clarkson, B. The distribution of Androstoma (Cyathodes) empetrifolia in the North Island. N.Z. Bot. Soc. Newsletter 46: 17-18.
Clarkson, B. D. and P. J. Garnock-Jones. Hebe tairawhiti (Scrophulariaceae): a new shrub species from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 51-56.
Clarkson, B. D. and P. J. Garnock-Jones. A new hebe species: Hebe tairawhiti B.D.Clarkson et Garn.-Jones. N.Z. Bot. Soc. Newsletter 44: 13-14.
Connor, H. E. Breeding systems in Indomalesian Spinifex (Paniceae: Gramineae). Blumea 41: 445-454.
Mentions S. sericeus in discussion.
Crayn, D. M. et al. Delimitation of Epacridaceae: preliminary molecular evidence. Ann. Bot. 77: 317-321.
Dawson, J. W. and R. Lucas. New Zealand coast and mountain plants: their communities and lifestyles. Wellington, Victoria University Press.
1996 de Lange, P. J. Hebe bishopiana (Scrophulariaceae) - an endemic species of the Waitakere Ranges, west Auckland, New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 187-194.
de Lange, P. J., Norton, D. A. and B. P. J. Molloy. A revised checklist of New Zealand mistletoe (Loranthaceae) hosts. N.Z. Bot. Soc. Newsletter 44: 15-24.
Delph, L. F. and D. G. Lloyd. Inbreeding depression in the gynodioecious shrub Hebe subalpina (Scrophulariaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 241-247.
Edgar, E. Puccinellia Parl. (Gramineae: Poeae) in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 17-32.
Esser, H. J. (1248) Proposal to conserve the name Homalanthus (Euphorbiaceae) with a conserved spelling. Taxon 45: 555-556.
Gardner, R. O. Fruit and seed of Beilschmiedia (Lauraceae) in New Zealand. Blumea 41: 245-250.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. Addendum. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 427.
Provides valid publication of Heliohebe lavaudiana (Raoul) Garn.-Jones. The publication of this combination in 1993 was invalid because the full citation of the basionym was inadvertently omitted.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. and L. A. Craven. The correct scientific name in Lophomyrtus (Myrtaceae) for ramarama is L. bullata Burret. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 279-280.
Garnock-Jones, P. J. and R. Elder. Nomenclatural validation of Coprosma pseudocuneata (Rubiaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 139-140.
Garnock-Jones, P. J., Timmerman, G. M. and S. J. Wagstaff. Unknown New Zealand angiosperm assigned to Cunoniaceae using sequence of the chloroplast rbcL gene. Pl. Syst. Evol. 202: 211-218.
Gasson, P. Wood anatomy of the Elaeocarpaceae. In Donaldson, L. et al. (Eds) Recent advances in wood anatomy. Rotorua, New Zealand Forest Research Institute. pp. 47-71.
Harris, W. Genecological aspects of flowering patterns of populations of Kunzea ericoides and K. sinclairii (Myrtaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 333-354.
Heads, M. J. Biogeography, taxonomy and evolution in the Pacific genus Coprosma (Rubiaceae). Candollea 51: 381-405.
Heenan, P. B. Uncinia obtusifolia (Cyperaceae), a new species of hooked sedge in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 11-15.
Heenan, P. B. Epilobium petraeum (Onagraceae), a new species of alpine willow-herb from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 41-45.
Heenan, P. B. A taxonomic revision of Carmichaelia (Fabaceae-Galegeae) in New Zealand. Part 2. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 157-177.
Heenan, P. B. Identification and distribution of the Marlborough pink brooms, Notospartium carmichaeliae and N. glabrescens (Fabaceae - Galegeae), in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 299-307.
1996 Heenan, P. B., Webb, C. J. and P. N. Johnson. Mazus arenarius (Scrophulariaceae), a new, small-flowered, and rare species segregated from M. radicans. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 33-40.
Irwin, B. Further notes on Corybas rivularis. Bull. Wellington Bot. Soc. 47: 55-58.
Jacobs, S. W. L. and J. Everett. Austrostipa, a new genus, and new names for Australian species formerly included in Stipa (Gramineae). Telopea 6: 579-595.
Makes new combinations Achnatherum petriei (Buchanan) S.W.L.Jacobs et J.Everett for Stipa petriei and Austrostipa stipoides (Hook.f.) S.W.L.Jacobs et J.Everett for Stipa stipoides.
Jones, D. L. Reinstatement of Caladenia alpina R.S.Rogers (Orchidaceae) as distinct from Caladenia lyallii Hook.f. and the description of Caladenia cracens, a related new species from southern Tasmania. Muelleria 9: 41-50.
C. lyallii is regarded as endemic to N.Z.
Jones, D. L. Resolution of the Prasophyllum alpinum R.Br. (Orchidaceae) complex in mainland south-eastern Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. Muelleria 9: 51-62.
P. colensoi is endemic to N.Z.
Kellogg, E. A., Appels, R. and R. J. Mason Gomer. When grass genes tell different stories: the diploid genera of Triticeae (Gramineae). Syst. Bot. 21: 321-347.
Includes Australopyrum.
King, M. J., Vincent, J. F. V. and W. Harris. Curling and folding of leaves of monocotyledons: a strategy for structural stiffness. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 411-416.
Kron, K. A. Phylogenetic relationships of Empetraceae, Epacridaceae, Ericaceae, Monotropaceae, and Pyrolaceae: evidence from nuclear ribosomal 18s sequence data. Ann. Bot. 77: 293-303.
Linder, H. P. and G. A. Verboom. Generic limits in the Rytidosperma (Danthonieae, Poaceae) complex. Telopea 6: 597-627.
Molloy, B. P. J. A new species name in Phyllocladus (Phyllocladaceae) from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 287-297.
Molloy, B. P. J. and B. D. Clarkson. A new, rare species of Melicytus (Violaceae) from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 431-440.
Molloy, B. P. J. and J. B. Irwin. Two new species of Corybas (Orchidaceae) from New Zealand, and taxonomic notes on C. rivularis and C. orbiculatus. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 1-10.
Describes Corybas iridescens and C. papa.
Morris, M. W., Stern, W. L. and W. S. Judd. Vegetative anatomy and systematics of subtribe Dendrobiinae (Orchidaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 120: 89-144.
Morvan, J. La valeur morphologique du cone femelle chez Dacrydium cupressinum Sol. Podocarpacees. Phytomorphology 46: 305-316.
Nic Lughadha, E. Lophomyrtus bullata is the correct name for the New Zealand ramarama. Kew Bull. 51: 815-817.
1996 Nicolson, D. H. (1233) Proposal to conserve the name Lagenophora (Compositae) with a conserved spelling. Taxon 45: 341-342.
Nowicke, J. W. Pollen morphology, exine structure and the relationships of Basellaceae and Didiereaceae to Portulacaceae. Syst. Bot. 21: 187-208.
Supports the inclusion of Hectorellaceae in suborder Portulacineae.
Orchard, A. E. and A. Wilson. Flora of Australia. 28, Gentianales. Melbourne, CSIRO Australia.
Includes Sebaea ovata and compares 2 endemic Tasmanian spp. of Chionogentias with N.Z. C. corymbifera and C. cerina.
Oskolski, A. A. A survey of the wood anatomy of the Araliaceae. In Donaldson, L. et al. (Eds) Recent advances in wood anatomy. Rotorua, New Zealand Forest Research Institute. pp. 99-119.
Peña, R. C. and B. K. Cassels. Phylogenetic relationships among Chilean Sophora species. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 24: 725-733.
Includes S. microphylla, S. prostrata and S. tetraptera and mentions S. microphylla var. fulvida and S. chathamica.
Powell, J. M. et al. A re-assessment of relationships within Epacridaceae. Ann. Bot. 77: 305-315.
Rahn, K. A phylogenetic study of the Plantaginaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 120: 145-198.
Rance, C. and B. Rance. Gunnera hamiltonii new information on phenology and distribution. N.Z. Bot. Soc. Newsletter 44: 8-9.
Sampson, F. B. Pollen morphology and ultrastructure of Laurelia, Laureliopsis and Dryadodaphne (Atherospermataceae [Monimiaceae]). Grana 35: 257-265.
Sarker, S. D. et al. The genus Ourisia (Scrophulariaceae): a potential source of phytoecdysteroids. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 24: 803-804.
St George, I., Irwin, B. and D. Hatch. Field guide to the New Zealand Orchids. Wellington, New Zealand Native Orchid Group.
Stace, H. M. and S. H. James. Another perspective on cytoevolution in Lobelioideae (Campanulaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 83: 1356-1364.
Includes Isotoma fluviatilis. New Zealand Pratia and Hypsela also mentioned in discussion.
Steinke, E., Williams, P. G. and A. E. Ashford. The structure and fungal associates of mycorrhiza in Leucopogon parviflorus (Andr.) Lindl. Ann. Bot. 77: 413-419.
Includes root hair structure of L. parviflorus and comparison with hyphal forms in Pernettya macrostigma.
Svitashev, S. et al. A study of 28 Elymus species using repetitive DNA sequences. Genome 39: 1093-1101.
Swenson, U. Abrotanella rostrata (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) - a new species for New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 47-50.
Sykes, W. R. and C. J. West. New records and other information on the vascular flora of the Kermadec Islands. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 447-462.
1996 Thiele, H. L., Clifford, H. T. and R. W. Rogers. Diversity in the grass pistil and its taxonomic significance. Aust. Syst. Bot. 9: 903-912.
Includes Microlaena stipoides and Dichelachne micrantha.
Webb, C. J. Seed production in Gunnera hamiltonii. Conservation Advisory Sci. Notes: 133.
Webb, C. J. A rose by any other name: two problems of scent in the naming and typification of New Zealand plants. N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 281-283.
Coprosma, Scandia and Anisotome.
Webb, C. J. The breeding system of Pennantia baylisiana (Icacinaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 421-422.
Weiller, C. M. Reassessment of Cyathodes (Epacridaceae). Aust. Syst. Bot. 9: 491-507.
Weiller, C. M. Reinstatement of the genus Androstoma Hook.f. (Epacridaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 179-185.
The genus is reinstated for plants latterly known as Cyathodes empetrifolia.
Wilson, H. D. Wild Plants of Mount Cook National Park. 2nd ed. Christchurch, Manuka Press.