Abbreviations for names of authors follow Kirk & Ansell (1992). Abbreviations of journal titles and books are not listed here and, with a few exceptions, journals follow the World List of Scientific Periodicals 4th ed., 1963, and books follow Taxonomic Literature [TL-2] 2nd ed. and 6 supplements (1976–2000).
A: | Auckland Is |
agg. | aggregate |
Ant: | Antipodes I. |
App. | appendix |
auct. | auctorum, of authors |
B: | Bounty I. |
C | calcium hypochlorite |
C: | Campbell I. |
c. | circa, about, approximately |
cf. | confer, compare |
Ch: | Chatham Is |
diam. | diameter |
E | East or Eastern |
Ed. | Editor; plural Eds |
ed. | edition |
e.g. | exempli gratia, for example |
emend. | emendavit, emended |
et al. | et alii, and others |
fig. | figure |
fl. | floruit, (of a person) he/she flourished, he/she lived at this |
herb. | herbarium |
HPLC | high performance liquid chromatography |
I | iodine |
I. | Island; plural Is; |
ibid. | ibidem, in the same place |
i.e. | id est, that is |
ITS | internally transcribed spacer region of the DNA encoding rRNA (rDNA) |
K | potassium hydroxide |
Lat. | latitude south |
LCR | Landcare Research New Zealand |
leg. | legit, collected |
l.c. | loco citato, in the place cited |
M: | Macquarie I. |
Mt/Mts | Mount, Mountain/(s) |
N | North or Northern |
N: | North I. |
n.s. | new series |
NZ | New Zealand |
nom. cons. | nomen conservandum, conserved name |
nom. nud. | nomen nudum, bare name, i.e. without description |
op. cit. | opere citato, in the work cited |
p. | page; plural pp. |
Pd | paraphenylendiamine |
pr. p. | pro parte, in part |
pr. max. p. | pro maxima parte, for the greater part |
pr. min. p. | pro minima parte, for the smaller part |
pers. comm. | personal comment |
pl. | plate |
q.v. | quod vide, which see |
Ra. | Range, plural Ras |
S | South or Southern |
S: | South I. |
s. lat. | sensu lato, in a broad sense |
s. str. | sensu stricto, in a narrow sense |
ser. | series |
sic | written exactly as in original |
s.l. | sea level |
Sn: | Snares I. |
sp. | species; plural spp. |
ssp. | subspecies; plural sspp. |
St: | Stewart I. |
tab. | tabula, plate |
TLC | thin-layer chromatography |
tr. | trace |
var. | varietas, variety; plural, vars |
viz. | videlicet, namely, that is to say |