Lotus corniculatus L.
birdsfoot trefoil
Scarcely stoloniferous perennial; stems ± glabrous, ± solid, procumbent to ascending, woody at base. Lvs ± glabrous or sparsely to moderately hairy, sessile; leaflets obovate, acute, cuneate at base, (3)-5-15-(18) mm long, with inconspicuous lateral veins. Peduncles much > lvs, up to 90 mm long. Infl. (1)-2-7-flowered. Calyx ± glabrous or sparsely to moderately hairy; calyx teeth ± equal, narrowly triangular, ± = tube. Corolla yellow, 10-15 mm long; keel strongly arched with a fairly long, often somewhat incurved beak. Pod straight, rounded, not winged, 15-35 × 1.5-3 mm; seeds c. 1.5 mm diam.
S.: known certainly from one site only, grassy areas and clay soils on hillside in and around a cemetery, Milton, S. Otago, 1969.
Europe, Asia Minor, W. and C. Asia, N. Africa 1867
FL Feb.
L. corniculatus has frequently been recorded in error as naturalised in N.Z.; almost all specimens labelled L. corniculatus are referable to L. pedunculatus. L. corniculatus is distinguished from L. pedunculatus by its ± solid stems, fewer, generally larger fls, and by the inconspicuous lateral veins of the leaflets.