Var. angustifolia
Type locality: St. Arnaud Range. Type: BD 50037, W. Martin.
Similar in habit to var. spectabilis but smaller in all parts. Lamina linear to narrow-oblong, slightly less coriac., acute, sts apiculate, ± 8-15 cm. × 3-5 mm., tomentum as in var. spectabilis; sheath ± 4 cm. × 5-8 mm. Scape c. 10 cm. long, capitula c. 3 cm. diam.
DIST.: S. Montane to subalpine grassland to fellfield on mountains of Marlborough and N.W. Nelson.
A compound var. with forms of diverse lamina-length, connected with var. spectabilis by intermediate forms probably of hybrid origin, but often in pure populations in N.W. Nelson.