Selaginella moellendorffii Hieron.
Main stem erect and undivided for up to 20 cm, branching alternately thereafter to produce a frond-like growth habit. Lvs dimorphic, 4-ranked. Lvs of 2 lateral ranks spreading, falcate, acute, finely ciliate, (1)-1.5-2-(2.5) mm long, decreasing in size from main stems to apices, widely spaced on main stem, closely imbricate on lateral branches. Lvs of 2 upper ranks appressed to stem, 1-2 mm long, ovate, apices drawn out into fine points. Strobili sessile, sharply 4-angled; sporophylls only slightly smaller than nearest microphylls.
N.: Auckland City, Rangitoto Id.
S.E. Asia 1981
Damp, shaded sites.
The sp. is cultivated in warmer parts of N.Z. and occasionally escapes (Plate 2).