Placopsis salazina I.M.Lamb
Holotype: New Zealand. Southland, Mt Barber, above Deep Cove, Doubtful Sound. G. Einar and Greta Du Rietz 2063: 2, 1927, S.
Thallus determinate, effigurate, rosette-forming, to 4 cm diam., saxicolous. Marginal lobes well-developed, loosely to closely attached, apices rounded or slightly incised-crenulate, ± confluent or separated by fine cracks towards centre, becoming reticulate-cracked but not areolate. Upper surface ± continuous, smooth or very finely wrinkled, pinkish-white, sometimes pruinose, smooth or sometimes shining, without soredia or isidia. Cephalodia central, sessile, orbicular to irregularly radially folded and wrinkled, to 7 mm diam., red-brown, matt, dull, epruinose. Apothecia numerous, to sparse and irregular or in ± concentric rings, rounded, constricted at base, 1 mm diam., thalline margins prominent, swollen, entire, disc plane, brown-red or blackened, sometimes pruinose. Hymenium 130-160 µm tall, yellowish-brown in upper parts. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid 16-18 × 8-9 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow-red, C-, Pd+ orange; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid.
S: Known only from the type collection but probably more widely distributed.