Placopsis parellina (Nyl.) I.M.Lamb
Lecanora parellina Nyl., Annls Sci. nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 157 (1855).
Placopsis rhodomma Nyl., Lich. N.Z.: 56 (1888).
Thallus effuse or effigurate, spreading irregularly to 8 cm diam., saxicolous or terricolous. Marginal lobes (when present) ± flattened, closely attached, contiguous, separated by narrow cracks, 1-6 mm long, variously divided, rounded or subcrenulate at apices, continuous, or with some irregularly anastomosing cracks but not areolate. Upper surface irregularly wrinkled-warted or smooth, warts when well-developed ± rounded or subangular, 0.3-0.8 mm diam., often confluent, sometimes entirely squamulose, glaucous whitish or creamish, occasionally in part white-pruinose. Isidia absent. Soredia often present, scattered, rounded subglobose-erumpent, to 0.8 mm diam., concolorous with thallus. Cephalodia irregularly scattered, sessile, irregular, variously wrinkled, sometimes folded and radially cracked, to 2.5 mm diam., brownish or flesh-coloured, matt. Apothecia scattered, rounded, subpedicellate, thalline margin thick, entire, concolorous with thallus or pale pinkish, sometimes granular-pulverulent, epruinose, matt, disc plane, rose-red, red-brown or brown, matt. Hymenium 140-240 µm tall, yellowish-brown above. Paraphyses slightly swollen at apices. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, 17-28 × 8-14 µm. Pycnidia immersed, not common, indicated by minute yellowish or reddish spots. Conidia filiform, curved 17-25 × 0.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K-, C+ rose, Pd-.
N: Three Kings Is, to Wellington. S: Nelson to Southland. St: Very widely distributed on rocks, stones and soil, coastal and inland, s.l. to 2000 m. A very polymorphic species with several infraspecific taxa described.