Phaeocalicium asciiforme
Holotype: New Zealand. Westland, Arthur's Pass National Park, 3 km NNE of Otira, lower part of Kelly's Creek, 42º48's, 171º34'E, 1980, L. Tibell 9944b – UPS. Isotypes in BC, BM, CANL, CHR, COLO, DUKE, H. HMAS, LD, LE, LWU, M, MEL, MICH, MIN, NICH, O, POZ, S, TNS, UPS, US, W, Herb. K. Kalb, Herb. A Vězda.
Description : Parasitic or saprophytic on branches of Coprosma. Apothecia well-stalked. 0.4–0.5 mm tall, and to 0.06 mm diam., olive-grey to lead-grey, shining. Capitulum 0.18–0.32 mm wide and 0.05–0.07 mm thick, obtriangular in outline, strongly flattened, dark olivaceous-grey. Stalk without hyaline coat, in section hyaline to pale-greenish, of periclinally arranged hyphae. Exciple hyaline to pale-greenish in inner part, 20–25 μm thick laterally. Hypothecium hyaline to pale-greenish. Hymenium 95–120 μm tall; epithecium of thick-walled non-sclerotised cells in 5–6 layers forming a pseudoparenchymatic tissue, all parts K−. Asci 78–89 × 5–6 μm, cylindrical. Ascospores uniseriate in ascus, medium-brown to slightly greenish, 1-septate, 12–15 × 5–5.5 μm, septum distinct.
S: Westland (Kelly's Creek). On thin, decaying branches of Coprosma by a stream at edge of dense hardwood forest dominated by Weinmannia, 380 m.
Exsiccati : Tibell (1989: No. 168).
Illustrations : Tibell (1987: 201, fig. 152; 202. fig. 153A–F).
Phaeocalicium asciiforme is characterised by: the corticolous habit; its strongly flattened apothecia and 1-septate ascospores.