Viola L.
Herbs; lvs in a basal rosette and/or alternate on stems. Fls solitary, on bibracteate axillary peduncles, zygomorphic, ⚥. Sepals with basal appendages. Petals unequal, the lower spurred. Stamens with apical appendages, the lower 2 spurred. Style straight or geniculate at base; stigma globose or beaked or capitate or 2-lobed. Capsule 3-valved, dehiscent.
Petiole hairs deflexed; lvs with > 15 crenations each side; fls sweetly scented; capsule hairy
Petiole glabrous or with patent hairs; lvs with < 10 crenations or teeth each side; fls scentless or faintly scented; capsule glabrous
Plant stoloniferous; anterior petal shallowly saccate, spurless; lamina reniform, coarsely sinuate-dentate
Plant rhizomatous; anterior petal shortly spurred; lamina ovate to deltoid, shallowly crenate
Lvs with at least 10 fine close crenations on each side; sepal appendages > 1 mm long; seeds c. 2 mm long; lvs finely hairy near margin above
Lvs with 3-7 distant crenations or blunt teeth on each side; sepal appendages < 1 mm long; seeds c. 1.5 mm long; lvs glabrous
500 spp., cosmopolitan but mostly N. temperate. Native spp. 3, naturalised 5 and 1 hybrid.
In many spp. small cleistogamous fls are sometimes produced, but the descriptions below refer to chasmogamous fls. Lvs and stipules of all spp. in N.Z. are illustrated in Fig. 122.
Fig. 122. Viola, lvs and stipules. A V. odorata; B V. arvensis; C V. tricolor; D V. lyallii; E V. cunninghamii; F V. × wittrockiana; G V. hederacea; H V. riviniana; I V. filicaulis. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X42]
Fig. 123. Viola, stigma, style, and ovary. A V. tricolor, ligule present; B V. arvensis, ligule 0. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X43]