Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Sporobolus R.Br.

Sporobolus R.Br., 1810

Type species: S. indicus (L.) R.Br.

Perennials or annuals, tufted or creeping. Ligule a short-ciliate rim. Leaf-blade narrow, flat or convolute, sometimes setaceous. Culm usually erect. Inflorescence an open or contracted, sometimes spiciform panicle. Spikelets often small, fusiform, mostly glabrous, 1-flowered, usually olivaceous or olive-grey; disarticulation above glumes; rachilla rarely prolonged. Glumes equal or unequal, deciduous or persistent, 1-nerved or nerveless, thinly membranous, seldom keeled. Lemma ≥ glumes, rounded, 1-3-nerved, thinly membranous, soft, awnless. Palea ≤ lemma, of similar texture and colour to lemma, 2-keeled, apex obtuse, truncate, emarginate, or minutely bilobed. Lodicules hyaline, truncate. Callus 0. Stamens 2-3. Ovary often globose; styles free, short; stigmas plumose. Caryopsis with loose pericarp, globose to ellipsoid, rounded or truncate; embryo c. ½ length of caryopsis or less; hilum basal, punctiform.


Panicle densely spicate and branches ± appressed, often some ± distant near base; stamens 3
Panicle interrupted throughout and branches spreading in lower part or very distant near base; stamens 2
Panicle branches ascending; spikelets in dense clusters
Panicle branches ± spreading; spikelets loosely spaced

c. 160 spp. of tropical and subtropical, sometimes warm temperate regions. Naturalised spp. 2; transient sp. 1.

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