Temnoma palmatum var. pseudospiniferum R.M.Schust.
Type: New Zealand, North Is., NW Ruahine Mtns., Otupae, A. P. & H. M. Druce (MPN, ex herb. Hodgson 3525; herb. Schuster; CHR ex herb. Allison H5262!).
Plants with an aspect approaching that of Temnoma quadripartitum. Leaves usually quadrifid to 0.6–0.65, the lobes of mature leaves with lamina reduced, only 3–4(5) cells broad at base, on larger leaves (♀ plants) often with a pair of teeth per lobe that are 1–3 cells long and spinescent, situated at the sinus bases and sharply postically displaced, not lying in leaf plane; lobes setaceous, each ending in a well-differentiated apical spine formed of to 6–7 superposed cells (3–5:1); disc low (height always slightly to much inferior to lobe length), usually only 6–7 cells high; disc margins on each side with (0)1–2 short to long, spinose teeth or cilia. Cells with surface rough. Oil-bodies 4–6(7) per cell, 4–6 × 5–7 µm, or spherical and 4.2–5.5 µm in diam. Gynoecial bracts initially forming, with the bracteole, a spinescent, thistle-like capitulum, with development of sporophyte becoming widely separate. Bracts narrowly obtrapezoidal, quadrifid to 0.3–0.45, the lobes copiously long-spinescent to ciliate, each lobe with 2–3(4) opposed pairs of setose cilia formed of 2–3(4) thick-walled, strongly elongated cells; apices of lobes setaceous, the uniseriate row to 300–400 µm long, formed of 4–5(6) strongly elongated, highly differentiated cells; sinus bases and some spinescent, rigid cilia originating there, sharply reflexed. Perianth relatively abbreviated, strongly stipitate at maturity and elevated above bracts, ovoid-ellipsoid, subterete and hardly perceptibly trigonous, inflated, the base narrowed, the mouth armed with 24–48 stiff, setose, variable cilia and spines, the armature ranging from mere spines 1–2 cells long (usually under 200 µm long) to long bristles 300–450 µm long, then formed of 4–6 thick-walled, very elongated cells.
Distribution and Ecology : Known only from a few stations in the North Island (NW Ruahine Ra. and near Taupo) and in the South Island from a few stations in Southland and Otago (500–1000 m). In the latter area it may occur on bark of Nothofagus menziesii. At Wye Creek it occurred on soil on the stream bank under N. solandri var. cliffortioides forest with Leptophyllopsis laxus and Megaceros pellucidus.