Alopecurus L.
Type species: A. pratensis L.
Low growing to moderately tall perennials or annuals. Leaf-sheath open. Ligule membranous. Leaf-blade flat, striate, midrib inconspicuous. Culm few- to many-noded, sometimes geniculate at base. Panicle cylindric, spike-like; rachis stout, culm-like, branches and pedicels very short and slender. Spikelets 1-flowered, protogynous, strongly laterally compressed, disarticulating below glumes, falling entire at maturity. Glumes similar, ≈ lemma, keeled, 3-nerved, margins often united below. Lemma membranous, 4-5-nerved, margins often united below, usually awned dorsally from near midpoint or below, awn included within glumes, or often projecting beyond spikelet. Palea 0. Lodicules 0. Callus glabrous. Rachilla not prolonged. Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous; styles fused near base. Caryopsis lenticular; embryo small; hilum punctiform to very short; endosperm liquid or solid.
36 spp. of temperate Eurasia and South America. Naturalised spp. 3; transient sp. 1.