Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Subfamily Pooideae


Spikelets 1-many-flowered, laterally compressed. Lemma several-nerved, awn apical or dorsal, or 0. Lodicules 2-3, membranous or hyaline. Stamens 3, rarely fewer. Stigmas usually 2. Caryopsis usually ellipsoid to fusiform; embryo ⅓-⅙ length of caryopsis; hilum linear to round. Herbs, usually with linear leaf-blades. Ligule membranous. Inflorescence usually a panicle or raceme.

Tribes: 4. Nardeae; 5. Stipeae; 6. Poeae; 7. Hainardieae; 8. Meliceae; 9. Agrostideae; 10. Bromeae; 11. Brachypodieae; 12. Hordeeae

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