Melanelia subglabra (Räsänen) Essl.
Parmelia subaurifera var. subglabra Räsänen, Annls Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. fenn. Vanamo 2: 19 (1932).
Thallus ± appressed throughout, or margins and lobe ends somewhat reflexed, loosely to moderately adnate, 1.5-7.0 cm diam. Lobes 1.5-4.0 (-6.0) mm broad, ± flat, rather short and broadly rounded, ± imbricate. Upper surface pale olive-brown to red-brown, smooth to finely pitted and/or wrinkled at apices, centrally more strongly rugose, dull to rather shining, especially at margins, isidia and pseudocyphellae absent, sparsely to densely sorediate. Soralia laminal and/or marginal, punctiform to strongly capitate, rarely sublabriform at margins, often coalescing into large, irregular patches. Soredia whitish or yellowish, granular. Lower surface pale tan to black, smooth to subrugose, ± shining, especially at margins. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Cortex K-, medulla K ± faint violet or faint yellow, C+ rose, KC+ rose, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid.
S: Canterbury (Cass, Boyle River). On bark of Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides at forest margins.