Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Melanelia glabratuloides (Essl.) Essl.

M. glabratuloides (Esslinger) Esslinger, Mycotaxon 7: 48 (1978).

Parmelia glabratuloides Esslinger, J. Hattori bot. Lab. 42: 72 (1977).

Holotype (fide Esslinger 1977, p. 72): New Zealand. Southland, Yerex Creek, Te Anau, on Nothofagus bark, c. 200 m. G. Degelius NZ-469, Herb. Degelius, Askim, Sweden.

Thallus ± closely attached throughout, to 6 cm diam. Lobes 1-3 mm broad, flat, short and rounded to somewhat elongate, contiguous to imbricate. Upper surface pale olive-tan to olive-brown, distinctly maculate at lobe ends, finely pitted or wrinkled near apices, more so centrally, shining at apices, matt centrally, isidiate, soredia and pseudocyphellae absent. Isidia cylindrical or slightly compressed, simple or branched, 3 mm tall. Lower surface black, paler or tan at margins, smooth to wrinkled, dull to shining, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines concolorous with lower surface, to 0.5 mm long. Apothecia rare, sessile to subpedicellate, ± flat, to 1.5 mm diam., margins isidiate. Ascospores ovoid, 9-12 × 5.5-7. µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, medulla K-, C+ rose, KC+ rose, Pd-. Gyrophoric acid.

S: Canterbury (Boyle River on Nothofagus fusca), Otago (Hunter Valley), Southland (Te Anau).


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