Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Hymenophyllum rufescens Kirk

H. rufescens Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 11, 1879, 457, t. 19

A. Mecodium rufescens (Kirk) Cop. loc. cit. 67, 1938, 21.

Type locality: "South Island, Okarito". Type: W, A. Hamilton. Endemic.

Rhizome very slender, clad in rather sparse soft long hairs, especially at the bases of the rather distant stipites. Stipes filiform, 2.5 cm. long, clad when young in slender pale brown hairs. Rhachis winged, clad densely to sparsely in flexuous hairs. Lamina 1-5 cm. or more long, deltoid-flabellate, pellucid, 2-pinnatifid, bearing scattered hairs; final segs oblong, obtuse. Sori slightly immersed. Indusium ovate-orbicular, 2-valved to base; valves entire or toothed, us. ciliolate. Receptacle not exserted.

DIST.: N., S., St. Lowland to montane forests, epiphytic or rupestral, from lat. 37º 30', but local in its occurrences.

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