Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Hymenophyllum atrovirens Colenso

H. atrovirens Col. in Tasm. J. nat. Sci. 2, 1846, 186.

H. javanicum var. atrovirens Hook. et Baker Synopsis Fil. 1874, 60.

Mecodium atrovirens (Col.) Cop. loc. cit. 73, 1940, 457.

Type locality: "On rocks and stones in low places and watercourses in wet woods, shores of Waikare Lake." Type: W, Colenso, 1841. Endemic.

Rhizome slender, with scattered hairs when young; stipites rather distant. Stipes 1-8 cm. long, with flat wings, narrowing towards base. Rhachis slender, with broad flat wings. Lamina 3-10 cm. long, about lanceolate, dark green, 2-3-pinnatifid, final segs narrow-oblong, obtuse to retuse; margins 2 cells thick. Sori few, free. Indusium 1 mm. long, broad-ovate, 2-valved to near base, valves entire to minutely crenulate. Receptacle not exserted.

DIST.: N., S. Apparently rare, in lowland to montane forest; has been collected at Bay of Islands, Whangarei, Mamaku, Waikaremoana, Rimutaka Range; Nelson, Westland, Milford Sound, Dunedin.

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