Hymenophyllum atrovirens Colenso
H. javanicum var. atrovirens Hook. et Baker Synopsis Fil. 1874, 60.
Mecodium atrovirens (Col.) Cop. loc. cit. 73, 1940, 457.
Type locality: "On rocks and stones in low places and watercourses in wet woods, shores of Waikare Lake." Type: W, Colenso, 1841. Endemic.
Rhizome slender, with scattered hairs when young; stipites rather distant. Stipes 1-8 cm. long, with flat wings, narrowing towards base. Rhachis slender, with broad flat wings. Lamina 3-10 cm. long, about lanceolate, dark green, 2-3-pinnatifid, final segs narrow-oblong, obtuse to retuse; margins 2 cells thick. Sori few, free. Indusium 1 mm. long, broad-ovate, 2-valved to near base, valves entire to minutely crenulate. Receptacle not exserted.
DIST.: N., S. Apparently rare, in lowland to montane forest; has been collected at Bay of Islands, Whangarei, Mamaku, Waikaremoana, Rimutaka Range; Nelson, Westland, Milford Sound, Dunedin.