Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Drosanthemum floribundum (Haw.) Schwantes

*D. floribundum (Haw.) Schwantes, Zeitschr. Sukkulentenk. 3: 29 (1927)

Mat-forming trailing or cushion-forming subshrub. Stems much-branched, hispid, 30-100-(300) cm long. Lvs opposite or fascicled, terete, clavate, curved, obtuse, (5)-7-12 × 1.5-2.5 mm; papillae dense, rounded, glittering. Fls 1.5-2 cm diam. Calyx densely papillate; sepals 3-4 mm long. Petals spreading, purplish pink, 6-10 mm long. Stamens 3-4 mm long; filaments pink, hairy; anthers white. Stigmas 5, lanceolate, spreading, 3-4 mm long. Capsule small, 5-locular; expanding keels diverging; placental tubercles 0.

N.: Tauranga, Wellington; S.: Nelson, Canterbury coast, Otago Peninsula; Ch.

South Africa 1959

Coastal rocks and roadside banks, a garden escape.

FL Oct-Jan-(May) FT Nov-Jan.

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