Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Type locality: "In humid woods in the vicinity of the Falls of the Keri-Keri River-1826, A. Cunningham-1834, R. Cunningham." Type: A. Cunningham, 1826, BM.
Rhizome stout, somewhat tortuous, c. 5 mm. diam., densely clad in narrow dark brown bristly hairs. Stipes 20-60 cm. long, stout, erect, ± compressed, pale to dark brown, glab. except for bristles at base. Lamina 15-60 cm. long, tripinnate, glab., coriac., dark to light green above, glaucous to white or sometimes pale green below, broadly deltoid-triangular in outline. Pinnae ascending, primary 10-20 cm. long, secondary 5-10 cm.; pinnules oblong, subacute to acute, notched, up to 5 cm. long. Sori in sinuses of pinnules; indusium c. 1 mm. long, truncate at mouth; receptacle far-exserted when mature, slender, hairy, 2-3 mm. long. Sporangia shortly stalked, pyriform to obovoid.
DIST.: N. Lowland forest from lat. 35º to 37º 30'.
The spelling was altered to Loxsoma by Endlicher in 1841, which is hardly less faulty than the original.