Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Subfamily Arundinoideae


Spikelets usually 2-many-flowered, sometimes 1-flowered, laterally compressed, with fragile rachilla; glumes 2, well-developed; lemma (1)-3-9-nerved; palea 2-nerved; lodicules 2, cuneate, fleshy, truncate; stamens 3, or 2; stigmas 2. Inflorescence usually a panicle. Ligule a line of hairs.

Discussion on the subfamily Arundinoideae, its tribal structure, and generic complement is extensive. We have adopted here a very simple suprageneric classification for the eight genera occuring in New Zealand, among which only Chionochloa and Rytidosperma are polytypic; it is inconsistent with many, but not all, recent treatments. The most important recent assessments affecting New Zealand taxa are: Barker, N. P., Linder, H. P. and Harley, E. H. Syst. Bot. 20: 423-435 (1995), Syst. Bot. 23: 327-350 (1998); Clayton and Renvoize (1986 op. cit.); Conert, H. J. in Soderstrom, T. R. et al. (Eds) Grass Systematics and Evolution 239-250 (1987); Hilu, K. W. and Esen, A. Pl. Syst. Evol. 173: 57-70 (1990); Hsiao, C. et al. Aust. Syst. Bot. 11: 41-52 (1998); Renvoize, S. A. Kew Bull. 41: 323-342 (1986).

Tribes: 13. Arundineae; 14. Danthonieae

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