Opegrapha brevissima
Holotype: New Zealand. South I., Canterbury, Hanmer Springs, along track to Dog Stream waterfall, 450–750 m, on trunk of Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides in open stand facing N, on thalli and apothecial margins of Haematomma hilare, 27.xi.1980, L. Tibell 9776 – UPS.
Description : Lichenicolous on thallus, apothecia and apothecial margins of Haematomma hilare. Ascomata very short, perithecia-like, 0.2 mm diam., black, epruinose. Exciple dark-brown. Hypothecium brownish to yellow-brown. Hymenium colourless, 60–75 μm tall. Paraphyses simple or slightly branched, 2 μm thick. Asci fissitunicate, broadly cylindrical or slightly swollen, 45–60 × 12–16 μm, 4–6-spored. Ascospores colourless, 3-septate, with rounded apices or with one end slightly pointed; perispore present in young ascospores, 15–19(–22) × 5–6(–7) μm.
S: Known only from the type collection.
Host : Haematomma hilare.
Illustrations : Kalb et al. (1995: pls 21–22).
* Opegrapha brevissima is characterised by: the lichenicolous habit; the very short, black, perithecia-like ascomata developed on thallus, apothecia and apothecial margins of Haematomma hilare; and colourless, 3-septate ascospores, 15–19(–22) × 5–6(–7) μm.