Carpobrotus aequilaterus × Disphyma australe sensu Webb et al.
Stem weakly 2-angled; lvs succulent, 3-angled, 2-6 cm long; keel weakly denticulate at apex or entire. Fls 4.5-6 cm diam.; longest sepals 15-21 mm long; petals either orange-pink or yellow to whitish, pink with yellow base on ageing. Pollen mostly sterile. Fr. not formed.
N.: Northland, Bay of Plenty, Manawatu, Wellington; S.: Marlborough, Canterbury, Otago, Southland.
Natural hybrid 1959
Rocky and sandy coastal sites.
This hybrid was first recorded as Mesembryanthemum sp.
*C. aequilaterus × D. australe has also been recorded, from Patea, S. Taranaki (Chinnock, op. cit., 1972). It is similar to C. edulis × D. australe but differs as follows: fls 4-5.2 cm diam.; longest sepals 12-21 mm long; petals purplish, later purplish pink. ( Natural hybrid, 1972).