Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Cyathea colensoi (Hook.f.) Domin

C. colensoi (Hook. f.) Domin Pterid. 1929, 262.

Alsophila colensoi Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 2, 1854, 8, t. 73.

Type locality: Ruahine Range. Type: K, W. Colenso. Endemic.

Caudex prostrate, hard, marked by scars of fallen stipites, ascending at tips, up to 1 m. or more long and 8 cm. diam.; rarely erect. Stipes 7-20-30) cm. long, rather stout, finely muricate, ± densely clad in pale shining subulate-attenuate paleae up to 3 cm. long, mingled in upper part with fulvous hairs. Rhachis deeply grooved, clad as are stipites. Lamina 30-60-100 × 15-60 cm., membr., brownish to yellowish green, broadly ovate, acute. Primary pinnae 15-30-40) × 5-10 cm., oblong-lanceolate, acute to acuminate; secondary pinnae up to 5 cm. long, acute. Pinnules 5-8 mm. long, oblong acute, lower distinct, upper confluent, acutely toothed or fertile pinnules lobulate; lobules 4-5 pairs, triangular, subacute, recurved. Sori < 1mm. diam. pale brown; indusium absent.

DIST.: N., S., St. Montane to subalpine forest from lat. 38º southwards.

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