Polypodiaceae J.Presl & C.Presl
Sori exindusiate, with or without peltate paraphyses, round to elongate, sts fused to form coenosori; sporangia stalked; annulus incomplete, dehiscing by transverse slit. Spores 32-16, bilateral, without perispore. Rhizome creeping, solenostelic to dictyostelic, paleate. Fronds mostly articulate with rhizome, pinnate to irregularly lobed or simple; veins reticulate, us. with free included veinlets. Prothallus cordate, green, flat. About 25 genera of wide distribution.
Veins obscured, anastomoses without included veinlets; lamina undivided; stipes not articulated to rhizome
Veins us. evident, anastomoses with included veinlets; mostly some laminae lobed; stipes articulated to rhizome