Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Phalaris L.

Phalaris L., 1753

Type species: P. canariensis L.

Annuals or perennials. Leaf-sheath rounded. Ligule conspicuous, membranous, glabrous, oblong. Leaf-blade flat. Culm internodes glabrous. Panicle dense, stiff, spike-like, ovoid to cylindric or sometimes ± lobed with branches spreading at maturity. Spikelets shortly pedicelled, strongly compressed laterally, usually with 3 florets, the lower (1)-2 usually Ø or ♂, the upper ⚥, or spikelets sometimes entirely ♂ or Ø; disarticulation above glumes; rachilla not or obscurely prolonged. Glumes subequal and equalling spikelet, laterally compressed, flat, > lemmas and enclosing them, chartaceous, 3-5-nerved, often light green with darker green bands along nerves, keeled, keel often winged. Lemmas of Ø florets small, linear to lanceolate, membranous, 1-nerved, hardened towards base, sometimes scale-like, epaleate; lemma of ⚥ floret 5-nerved, keeled, ovate, acute, awnless, becoming crustaceous and shining. Palea of ⚥ floret similar in texture to lemma, slightly smaller, nerves 2, close together, internerve minutely hairy. Lodicules 2, hyaline. Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous; styles connate at base, elongated; stigmas plumose. Caryopsis laterally compressed, ovate; embryo c. ¼ length of caryopsis; hilum oblong, short; endosperm solid. Chasmogamous.


Spikelets of 2 kinds, the ⚥ spikelets surrounded by a cluster of Ø or ♂ spikelets falling as a group at maturity; lemma of ⚥ florets glabrous
Spikelets all similar, sometimes reduced at base of panicle; lemma of ⚥ florets pubescent
Lemmas of Ø florets equal or subequal and well developed
Lemmas of Ø florets very unequal, the lower much reduced or 0
Perennial with long rhizome; panicle cylindric above, lobed below; glumes with narrow wing evenly tapering to apex, or wingless
Annual, tufted; panicle evenly cylindric to ovate, rarely lobed; glumes with wing widened in upper ⅓
Panicle ovoid-oblong, 1.5-2.5 cm wide; spikelets 7-8.5 mm
Panicle narrow-oblong, to 1 cm wide; spikelets c. 4 mm
Perennial, rhizomatous; glumes with evenly curved wing-margin
Annual, tufted; glumes with uneven erose or denticulate wing-margin

c. 20 spp. of warm temperate regions. Naturalised spp. 5; transient sp. 1.

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