Caloplaca inclinans (Stirt.) Hellb.
Lecanora inclinans Stirton, J. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot. 14: 463 (1875).
L. subpyracea Nyl., Lich. N.Z.: 59 (1888).
Type: New Zealand. Wellington, Sine loco. J. Buchanan, ?GLAM. No authentic material found in either BM or WELT.
Lecanora subpyracea . Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). C. Knight 1867, H-NYL 29847!
Thallus crustose, granular-scurfy, greyish-white, often indistinct, K-, corticolous. Apothecia crowded to ± dispersed, rounded to deformed by mutual pressure, 0.1-1.0 mm diam., disc orange-red to pale yellowish-orange, matt, epruinose, plane to convex, margins persistent, entire to subcrenulate, pale whitish, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores biseriate, to ellipsoid, apices rounded to slightly pointed, straight, 2-locular, 11-17 × 6-8.3 µm, septum ½ length of spore.
N: Wellington. St: