Caloplaca homologa (Nyl.) Hellb.
Lecanora homologa Nyl., J. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot. 9: 251 (1866).
Lectotype (fide Hafellner and Poelt, loc. cit., p. 26): New Zealand. Otago. "Ad corticem arborem prope Dunedin. 1861."W.L. Lindsay, H-NYL 29605!
Thallus crustose, dingy grey-white to olive-grey, somewhat coriaceous, wrinkled, irregularly cracked, in rosettes or irregular patches 1-4 cm diam., K-, corticolous. Apothecia scattered, solitary to 2-3-confluent, 0.2-1.0 mm diam., disc dark reddish-brown to brown, K-, slightly roughened, subconcave to plane, margins entire or crenulate, persistent, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores biseriate, 3-locular, ellipsoid with rounded ends, straight, 21-25 × (9-)10-12(-13) µm.
N: Ruahine Range. S: Otago.
An easily overlooked species growing on the bank of lowland forest trees such as Hoheria, Plagianthus and Sophora.