Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Nigella damascena L.

*N. damascena L., Sp. Pl.  534  (1753)


Stem (5)-20-50 cm tall, branching above. Segments of rosette lvs linear, those of cauline lvs filiform. Involucre present, of 5 finely dissected lvs, twice as broad as the fl. Fls 2-3 cm diam. Sepals in several whorls, blue, ovate, acute, clawed, the innermost sometimes 3-fid. Petals usually 0. Styles 5. Capsule glabrous, ovoid, swollen, 15-30 × 10-20 mm, 10-locular but only 5 locules fertile; styles 15-25 mm long at fruiting. Seeds black, c. 2 mm long, transversely ridged.

N.: Northland, Auckland; S.: Nelson, Canterbury; Ch.

S. Europe, N.W. Africa, Asia Minor 1883

Waste land and roadsides.

FL Nov-Dec FT Dec-Mar.

N.Z. wild plants, being garden escapes, have double fls in which the sepals are in several whorls. The innermost sepals may be divided but do not bear nectaries.

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