Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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var. catolechioides

var.catolechioides Obermayer, Fl. Australia 58A: 226 (2001).

Description : Similar to A. citrinella var. citrinella, but thalli squamulose, the squamules smooth, strongly bullate, becoming hollow and folded in ridges, or stalked umbrella-like areolae on black, hyphal strands, without soredia.

Chemistry : as for  var. citrinella.

N: South Auckland (Mt Moehau, Coromandel Ra. to Pureora), Gisborne (Mt Hikurangi), Hawke's Bay (Kaweka Ra.), Taranaki (Mt Taranaki), Wellington (Ruapehu, Kaimanawa Ra., Ruahine Ra.). S: Nelson (Mt Aorere, Owen Ra., St Arnaud Ra., Mt Haast, Mt Mueller), Canterbury (Mt Lakeman, Arthur's Pass, Mt Sebastopol, Kirkliston Ra.), Otago (Dart Valley, Park Pass, Old Man Ra., Pulpit Rock, Silver Peaks), Southland (Wilmot Pass). St: (Mt Rakeahua, Mt Allen). On rocks and soil in alpine or subalpine grasslands, often found amongst clumps of the moss Andreaea on exposed rock outcrops, in rock crevices in fellfield in the high-alpine zone, or among bryophytes in high-alpine cushion vegetation, and in herbfield and snowbank communities. It is known from a variety of acidic rock types including andesite, conglomerate, gneiss, greywacke and schist. It has an altitudinal range of 1200–1950 m on the NZ mainland descending to 750 m on Stewart I. It is sometimes parasitised by * Cercidospora trypetheliza (q.v.).


Illustrations : Galloway & Bartlett (1986: 396, fig. 2 – as Athrorhaphis alpina); Flora of Australia 58A (2001: xvii, pl. 28).

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