Abutilon Mill.
Annual to perennial herbs, shrubs, or trees. Lvs entire or toothed, lobed or not. Fls usually solitary and axillary or in axillary infls, rarely terminal; epicalyx 0; calyx evenly 5-(6)-toothed; petals spreading or tubular, usually obtuse. Style branches as many as loculi, filiform to clavate. Fr. of usually numerous, 3-9-seeded, often awned cells, arranged in a single flat whorl and dehiscing usually without separating from the central axis.
Lvs mostly 3-(5)-lobed
1. *darwinii × pictum
Calyx teeth much < tube; petals 30-45 mm long; fr. cells awnless
*megapotamicum × pictum ζ
Petals 15-20 mm long; fr. cells shortly awned; young stems densely hairy with fine stellate hairs and much longer simple hairs
Petals 7-13 mm long; fr. cells with a long slender awn; young stem densely hairy with equal length simple and stellate hairs
c. 100 spp., tropical and temperate. Naturalised spp. 2, and 2 cultivated hybrids.
Fig. 79. Stem hairs of Abutilon. A A. grandifolium; B A. theophrasti. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X66]