Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Asplenium lucidum G.Forst.

A. lucidum Forst. f. Prodr. 1786, 80.

A. obtusatum var. lucidum Hook. et Baker Syn. Fil. 1873, 207.

Rhizome stout, branching, often forming hard woody mass above ground; clad in brown shining translucent ovate-acuminate paleae up to 3 cm. long; stipites tufted, paleate at base. Stipes 10-40-(50) cm. × 5-10 mm., stout, blackish towards base, ± clad in slender lanceolate-attenuate paleae up to 25 mm. long. Rhachis stout, narrowly winged, ± paleate, smooth, bearing distant subopp. to alt. pinnae. Lamina thinly coriac., dark green and glossy above, 30-100 × 15-35 cm., about lanceolate-oblong, acuminate, with 16-40 or more pinnae. Pinnae (5)-10-15-(20) cm. × (2)-30-(50) mm., about lanceolate-oblong, acuminate, ± paleate below when young, long-stalked, crenate-serrate, obliquely cuneate at base; veins evident, simple or forked. Sori oblique, linear, up to 2 cm. long; indusium firm.

DIST.: K., N., S., St., Ch., A., C., Ant. Common in coastal, lowland and lower montane forest throughout. Has been recorded from Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands.

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