Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Asplenium obtusatum G.Forst.

A. obtusatum Forst. f. Prodr. 1786, 80.

Rhizome stout, branched, shortly creeping or ascending, often forming hard woody mass, densely clad in pale brown translucent linear-ovate-attenuate paleae c. 2 cm. long; stipites crowded to approximate, with dense tuft of paleae at base. Stipes 5-15 cm. × 2-5 mm., dark brown, with scattered shorter paleae. Rhachis stout, sparingly to rather densely paleate, very narrowly winged, with 8-30 subopp. lateral pinnae. Lamina ovate to oblong to deltoid, 6-30 × 3-10 cm., thick, fleshy; margins cartilaginous; veins simple or forked from near base, distinct to obscure. Pinnae (2)-4-6 cm. × 5-15-(20) mm., ovate-oblong to oblong, obtuse, obliquely cuneate at base, shortly stalked, dull green, crenate-serrate, ± paleate on veins and veinlets, sts slightly lobed near base. Sori cop., distinct to confluent, about 15 pairs, linear-oblong, 5-10 mm. long; indusium firm.

DIST.: K., Three Kings, N., S., St., Ch., A., C., Ant. Coastal rocks throughout, but often local. Also Tasmania, Australia, Pacific Islands, Juan Fernandez, southern S. America.

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