Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
Semi-prostrate shrubs to medium-sized trees, with vegetative parts glabrous. Lvs often dotted with glands, entire or serrate, often viscid in bud. Fls usually in fascicles, sometimes solitary. Calyx segments (4)-5-(6), imbricate. Corolla tube mostly < lobes; lobes usually 5, subequal or slightly 2-lipped, ± white. Ovary usually 2-4-locular with usually 1-(2) ovules per locule. Fr. a ± succulent drupe, generally white to purple.
Erect, densely bushy shrub, many-stemmed to base; lf buds green; fr. broad-oblong or broad-ovoid (almost as wide as long), deep purple
Usually low spreading shrubs to medium-sized trees, rarely erect dense many-stemmed shrubs; lf buds usually dark purple or blackish, rarely green; fr. narrow- to broad-ovoid or oblong (longer than wide), usually pale mauve to reddish purple, rarely white
Lf lamina usually with prominent or rarely inconspicuous pellucid glands, narrow- to broad-elliptic or obovate, if narrow-elliptic then glands always conspicuous (N., S., Ch.)
Lamina of lvs 1-4-(5) cm wide; fr. usually mauve to purple, very rarely white
var. laetum
Lamina of lvs 4-6 cm wide; fr. white
var. decumbens
Lf lamina with inconspicuous glands (some juvenile lvs with conspicuous glands), usually narrow-lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, wider in some low plants in very exposed situations (K.)
c. 30 spp., mainly Australia, also from Mauritius to E. Polynesia. Native spp. 3, naturalised 1.