Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.

MYOPORUM Forster f.

Semi-prostrate shrubs to medium-sized trees, with vegetative parts glabrous. Lvs often dotted with glands, entire or serrate, often viscid in bud. Fls usually in fascicles, sometimes solitary. Calyx segments (4)-5-(6), imbricate. Corolla tube mostly < lobes; lobes usually 5, subequal or slightly 2-lipped, ± white. Ovary usually 2-4-locular with usually 1-(2) ovules per locule. Fr. a ± succulent drupe, generally white to purple.


Low and spreading subshrub with slender, often trailing branches
Upright trees and shrubs, sometimes low and spreading and then branches stout
Erect, densely bushy shrub, many-stemmed to base; lf buds green; fr. broad-oblong or broad-ovoid (almost as wide as long), deep purple
Usually low spreading shrubs to medium-sized trees, rarely erect dense many-stemmed shrubs; lf buds usually dark purple or blackish, rarely green; fr. narrow- to broad-ovoid or oblong (longer than wide), usually pale mauve to reddish purple, rarely white
Lf lamina usually with prominent or rarely inconspicuous pellucid glands, narrow- to broad-elliptic or obovate, if narrow-elliptic then glands always conspicuous (N., S., Ch.)
Lamina of lvs 1-4-(5) cm wide; fr. usually mauve to purple, very rarely white
var. laetum
Lamina of lvs 4-6 cm wide; fr. white
var. decumbens
Lf lamina with inconspicuous glands (some juvenile lvs with conspicuous glands), usually narrow-lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, wider in some low plants in very exposed situations (K.)

c. 30 spp., mainly Australia, also from Mauritius to E. Polynesia. Native spp. 3, naturalised 1.

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