Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Lecidea dracophylli Zahlbr.

L. dracophylli Zahlbr., Cat. lich. univ. 3: 756 (1925).

Biatora subfuscescens Hellbom, Bihang K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 21 (3) 13: 104 (1896) non Nyl. [Lecidea subfuscescens, Flora 56:199 (1873).]

Lectotype: New Zealand. Canterbury, Porters Pass, 1000 m; on twigs of Dracophyllum. Sv. Berggren L5, February 1874, S!

Thallus of scattered or contiguous convex granules, pale greyish-fawn or yellowish-glaucous to ochraceous, irregular, often effuse or lacking. Apothecia sessile, constricted at base, plane to convex, 0.2-0.8(-1.0) mm diam., dark brown to black, matt, smooth, epruinose, with a thin, concolorous margin, or immarginate, opaque. Epithecium green-black, 20-30 µm thick. Hymenium pale straw-coloured, 100-200 µm tall. Paraphyses dense, conglutinate, capitate at apices to 5 µm thick, tinged green-black. Ascospores ellipsoid, 12-15.3 × 5.1-6.8 µm.

S: Throughout, in subalpine scrub zone.


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