Lecidea subcoarctata C.Knight
Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). Charles Knight, BM!
Thallus in rosettes or patches 15-40 mm diam., grey-white or creamish, areolate-cracked to chinky-granular, areolae angular, convex, surface wrinkled plicate or roughened-granular or continuous, margins subplacodioid, delimited by a thin, black prothallus. Apothecia ± central, rounded or irregular, contorted by mutual pressure, 0.4-0.8 mm diam., dark brown to black, adnate, plane to convex, margins entire, pale brown, waxy, excluded in old fruits. Epithecium green-black, pigment in tips of capitate paraphyses. Hymenium colourless, 40-45 µm tall. Asci clavate, 45 × 13.6 µm. Ascospores oval-ellipsoid, 10.2-12.0 × 6.8-8.3 µm.
N: Hen I. to Wellington. S: Otago, coastal on rocks.
A coastal species associating with Xanthoria parietina and Physcia adscendens.