Rinodina conradii Körb.
* Account prepared by Dr H. Mayrhofer (Graz).
Lecanora pyreniospora var., var. paupercula Nyl. in Leighton, J. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot. 10: 33 (1869).
Thallus thin or evanescent, pale grey, continuous, plane or cracked, without perceptible prothallus, terricolous, muscicolous or lignicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, sessile, often contiguous, to 0.8 mm diam., disc dark brown, soon becoming black, plane, sometimes becoming convex. Hymenium brown or more usually red-brown. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores 3-septate, 18-32 × 8.5-15 µm. Chemistry: -.
S: Southland (Lyttles Flat, SE of Homer Huts, Lake Monowai).