Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Reseda L.


Annual to perennial. Lvs entire to pinnatifid. Racemes or spikes terminal and lateral. Sepals 4-8; petals 4-8, usually with dilated claw and lobed limb, the posterior petals usually more divided than the anterior. Stamens 7-40. Carpels 3-4, united below into a 1-locular ovary, remaining open at apex. Ovules numerous, on 3-4 parietal placentae. Fr. a capsule, its constituent follicles united at base, free and open at apex.


Lvs all entire; sepals 4
At least some upper lvs lobed, pinnatifid or ternate; sepals 5-6
Carpels 4; filaments persistent
Carpels 3; filaments falling before fr. ripens
Capsule c. twice as long as broad; seeds smooth; limb of posterior petals 2-3-fid
Capsule c. as long as broad; seeds rugose; limb of posterior petals 9-15-fid

c. 60 spp., Mediterranean, Europe, W. and C. Asia, E. Africa. Naturalised spp. 4.

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