Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Lobelia linnaeoides (Hook.f.) Petrie

L. linnaeoides (Hook. f.) Petrie, Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst.  32:   405  (1891)

Glabrous or glabrate herb; sap clear. Stems to c. 15 mm tall, simple or sparingly branched, slender, rooting at nodes, usually decumbent. Lvs subsessile, 3-8 mm diam., ± orbicular, rather coarsely sinuate-dentate in upper 1/2, dark green, often purplish below, rather thick. Peduncles filiform, 5-6-(10) cm long. Calyx c. 4 mm long, divided to nearly 1/2 way; lobes c. 2 mm long, very narrow-triangular, acuminate. Corolla 5-10 mm long, white, pale blue or pale pink, deeper coloured in bud; upper lobes linear-oblong, acute; lower lobes obovate or obovate-oblong, ± apiculate. Capsule 5-9 mm long, narrow-obovoid to turbinate.

S.: from around 43° southwards.


Higher montane to alpine grassland and shrubland, often on patches of bare ground.

FL Dec-Feb.

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