Collema leptaleum Tuck.
Thallus small to medium (1-)3-5 cm diam., crustose to subfoliose, ± rounded, adnate or ascending at margins, thin to rather thick, membranous, ± fenestrate, smooth or irregularly rugose, wrinkles dense or sparse, often forming a network, sometimes finely knotted or papillose, lower surface smooth or uneven, paler or darker olive-green, sometimes yellowish-brown or bluish, lower surface pale or bluish, matt or glossy, margins often finely lobulate. Lobules small to very small, short and narrow to 1-2 mm broad, imbricate or not, flat, canaliculate, of uniform thickness or swollen at margins, margins entire or notched or incised and often undulate. Without isidia. Sometimes pulvinate in habit. Apothecia ± numerous, scattered to dense, sometimes crowded and covering thallus, laminal and marginal, appressed to sessile with constricted base, sometimes pedicellate 1-1.5(-3-4) mm diam., disc plane, convex or concave, pale red to dark red, matt to glossy, epruinose, thalline margin thin to moderately thick, entire, smooth to rugose or knotted, not prominent, persistent to disappearing, proper margin very thin and pale, often lacking. Ascospores 8 (4 or 6) per ascus, tristichous or polystichous, imbricate, bacillar, ends ± obtuse or rounded, linear oblong and narrowing towards one end, straight or curved, 4-celled, rarely 8-10-celled, (17-)26-50 × (1.5-)2-4.5(-5) µm. Pycnidia laminal and marginal immersed or slightly prominent, globose, to 170 µm diam.
S: Known only from one collection from Myoporum laetum bark at Waikouaiti, Otago (J. Murray OTA).