Collema fasciculare (L.) Weber ex F.H.Wigg.
Lichen fascicularis L., Mant. Pl. 1: 133 (1767).
Thallus small to medium, 1-4 cm diam., to 1 cm deep, very swollen and much larger when moist, subcrustaceous to crustaceous or subfoliose, rounded or irregular, pulvinate to rather flattened, often ± globular and easily loosening when moist, usually not continuous, but variously fenestrate, in parts thin, membranous and smooth, in parts markedly rugose with dense, coarse, irregular wrinkles, or rugose-folded, distinctly to ± indistinctly lobate, dark olive-green to brownish or blackish, paler when moist, epruinose, without isidia. Lobes when distinct rather variable, ± broad, flattened, imbricate and adnate, sometimes distinctly lobulate with short lobules, margin thin somewhat swollen, ± entire. Apothecia numerous, dense, often crowded, rounded, flattened, sessile on thalline wrinkles, constricted at base, 0.8-2 mm diam., disc ± plane, dark red to red-brown or pale brown, matt, smooth, epruinose, thalline margin thick, prominent, rugose or granular, persistent, or thin and not prominent and ± disappearing, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, monostichous and imbricate or twisted, ± straight forming a bundle, vermiform, 10-17-celled, 52-95 × 4.5-5(-6.5) µm.
Three varieties are distinguished in New Zealand populations: var. fasciculare, var. microcarpum and var. colensoi.