Umbilicaria vellea (L.) Ach.
Lichen velleus L., Sp. Pl.: 1150 (1753).
Thallus 6-15 cm diam., monophyllous, rigid to membranaceous, orbicular, umbo moderately elevated or absent. Upper surface undulate, ± folded, smooth to scabrid, areolate-papillate, often cracked or black-scarred, perforate to torn, with rhizines from lower surface appearing as dark clumps, margins entire to ± deeply incised, crenate, surface dull, creamish-buff to pale pinkish-grey or blackish with occasional, peripheral, reddish stains. Lower surface black, occasionally brownish at margins, coarsely papillate-rhizinate. Rhizines developed in a ± dense felt over whole lower surface, short, thick, black. Apothecia rare, 1-3 mm diam., peripheral or scattered near umbo, sessile, circular, disc black with well-developed gyrae, convex. Ascospores simple, colourless, 8-13 × 7-10 µm.
N: Wellington (Ruapehu, Tararua Ra.). S: Marlborough to Central Otago and Mt Maungatua. St: (Mt Anglem). Alpine, on rocks.
The largest Umbilicaria in New Zealand.