Umbilicaria zahlbruckneri Frey
Agyrophora zahlbruckneri var. robusta Llano, Monogr. Lich. Fam. Umbilicariaceae: 61 (1950).
Holotype: New Zealand. Canterbury, head of Lake Tekapo. On flat rock by stream 800 m. H.H. Allan 1/1935, BERN -not seen, isotype in CHR.
Agyrophora zahlbruckneri var. robusta. Holotype: New Zealand. Stewart I., Mt Anglem, 900 m. W. Martin 44, 1/3/1946, CHR381013!
Thallus 2-4 cm diam., or smaller, mono- or polyphyllous, with incised margins forming irregular lobes. Upper surface undulate, the cortex smooth or with obscure, rare, wrinkles, umbo not elevated but clearly delineated by a few circumpheral, rounded to raised rugi, areolate-cracked, surface dull, pale brownish to blackish-brown, with a delicate white pruina over umbo. Lower surface uneven, umbilicus small, compact, dark centrally, pale brown at margins. Rhizines rather short, simple or branched, black or brown, mostly ventral or marginal. Apothecia common, 1-1.5 mm diam., sessile, scattered, smooth, not gyrose, without bands of sterile tissue, plane to orbicular, discrete. Hymenium 100-115 µm tall. Paraphyses simple or furcate, septate, 1.6-2 µm thick. Hypothecium 90-110 µm thick. Ascospores simple, colourless, 13-16 × 7-10 µm.
S: Marlborough (Kaikoura Ra.), Canterbury (head of Lake Tekapo), Otago (Mt Rosa, Central Otago). St: (Mt Anglem). On alpine rocks, still rather poorly collected.