Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Dermatocarpon lachneum (Ach.) A.L.Sm.

D. lachneum (Ach.) A. L. Sm., Monogr. Br. Lich. 2: 270 (1911).

Lichen lachneus Ach., Lich. suec. Prod.: 140 (1798).

Thallus squamulose, squamules not imbricate, brown to red-brown with a greenish or yellowish tinge, concave, ± cochleate, totally adnate, to 1 mm diam., with dark, fibrillose lower surface. Perithecia immersed, wall colourless, only brown-black ostioles visible as minute, black swellings on upper surface. Ascospores ellipsoid, 11-16(-18) × 6-8(-10) µm.

N: Sine loco, on calcareous soils. W. Colenso, (BM). S: Canterbury (Castle Hill), Southland (Clifden).


It occurs at the base of limestone outcrops on basic soil, with Fulgensia fulgens and Psora decipiens. It should also be looked for among mosses on old mortar in old walls.

In earlier accounts of New Zealand lichens this species was referred to as Endocarpon pusillum, E. hepaticum, Endopyrenium hepaticum and Dermatocarpon hepaticum.

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