Coenogonium fallaciosum
≡Patellaria fallaciosa Müll.Arg., Lich. Epiphylli Novi : 6 (1890).
≡Dimerella fallaciosa (Müll.Arg.) Vězda, Lich. Sel. Exsicc. 69 (7): 6 (1980).
Description : Thallus spotted olive-greenish, very thin, continuous, smooth, without a marginal prothallus. Apothecia hypophyllous, clustered at lower margins, especially around breaks or tears, 0.3–1.0 mm diam., sessile, at first yellowish pink, gyalectiform, with a wide margin, ±translucent when moist, at maturity becoming reddish, plane and thinly marginate, the margin concolorous with disc. Hymenium 50–60 μm tall. Ascospores 6–11 × 2.5–3.5 μm.
N: S: ??? Widely distributed in the tropics (Kalb 1991; Farkas & Sipman 1997; McCarthy 2003c, 2006; Herrera-Campos et al. 2004).
Illustrations : Vězda & Farkas (1988: 192, pl. 3, fig. 7); Malcolm & Galloway (1997: 98, 161); Malcolm & Malcolm (2000: 32; 2001: 29, 46).
Coenogonium fallaciosum is characterised by: an epiphyllous thallus similar to that of D. zonata (it was formerly included in the synonymy of D. lutea by Santesson (1952)) but differs in not having a distinct marginal prothallus; apothecia that are hypophyllous and located usually at the edges of leaves.